holy bejesus batman, i'm updating!

Dec 09, 2008 11:52

man, i've been so very lazy/busy lately. work, work and more work :///

oo1: still can't get over DBSGhei being censored by the Korean government.

red ocean=periods?

clearly someone overthought that one. but wait, it gets better! SM's suing the government now akgjfdhalfghj why is my fandom so full of fail?

oo2: apparently it's BigEast vs foreign fans (meaning every country but Korea) now. foreign fans have been bombarding Kouhaku polls (meant to gauge opinions in Japan) and now their stats are all skewed. but foreign fans are all butthurt cause they don't have a place to show their support for DBSGhei and wahhhhh fandom is srs brz since 2008 XD;;

oo3: stumbled across bsbsecrets last night. oh man, old school backstreet boys fans crack me up with their crazy. still not as awesome as jonas_secrets which is so very lulzy and reminds me of a certain fandom starting with D and ending with Ghei haha

so tell me what you've been up to, everybody?


it occurs to me that i should update my mixi to say that i'm no longer in tokyo. i got a message from this サークル at some tankidai about a new years party and asking me to a) go, and b) answer questions about what he should wear/what i think guys should wear. wtf indeed ://

add this to the businessman who messaged me saying that we should meet up because he lives in 国分寺 (where my uni is) and it all gets slightly creepy...
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