Nov 20, 2008 22:01
oo1: finally got my wireless working! no words can describe how happy relieved i was when i got it working. plus i made friends with the guys in the Mac store cause we could both speak japanese haha XD;;
oo2: NEWs' new album? pretty good, but dear god, Yamapi's solo song is the lulziest thing i've heard in a while. i bet he got Jin to check the english too :|||
oo3: been working pretty much every day, hence me not updating at all. for all the time i've been not working in retail, it only took a couple of days for it to come back to me. yay!
oo4: MKMF aftermath. Shinee winning and bawling their eyes made me want to hug them more. and then Big Bang/Wonder Girls/insert other artist made Cass angry by beating DBSGhei. oh the wankery that proceeded on devil comm, how i've missed you. Hyori really is the hottest thing to come out of Korea since, well, something really hot. even if she should have changed her shoes for dancing, girl looked like she was tottering on them >.<
oo5: that time of the year has come, a time when i need to get my hair cut so desperately. this begs the questions, how should i get it cut? oh the possibilities...