Legion chap 1-5 editted and added to.

May 19, 2007 09:26

Ok, so i'm still proof reading it a few times after i post it here, as i'm sure there are ALOT of mistakes but here is the first draft of 1-beginning of chap 5. There will be ALOT more to come, as it is a work in progress and i hope to actually publish it one day. so here it is for you all to see.
... ok edit that, was going to do it all in one post but LJ says the post is too large :/ so one chapter at a time.

Chapter 1

"It's dark out now," I called to my roommate hoping for some form of reply. "maybe we should go eat."

"Mhrmph..." Is all i get in return from her room on the far end of the apartment.

As I waited in the living room for Mei to get off of work I watched TV. Nothing is on of course but we can always be wishful. Just some noise to comfort me and take my mind off of things. Lately I guess I've been on the verge of a mental breakdown. My girlfriend left me, my mother dying, and now I'm left to my own devices by my flatmates. "Just peachy." I mumble to myself as i watch static on the boob-tube roll by channel after channel. "Really just GREAT." The sarcasm in my own thoughts starts to get the best of me and i flip off the TV. I sit there for a few just staring at the dimples on the ceiling, the random patterns that lead to nowhere and that i can't really grasp. It seems like hours but must have only been minutes. I get out of the recliner and head for the kitchen. Maybe I'll cook something as a snack while i wait on the others.

Wait, what do i hear, foot steps? I turn just in time to see the door open with it's slow sad yet peaceful creaking, It's just Mei. "Hey chica what are we eating for supper?" She smiles as she sits down her purse on the front table with her non-nonchalant style. "I hope it's good, not like that crap we had yesterday." She slinks over to the Kitchen door and the bar that conjoins it to the livingroom. She leans on the sill and takes off her earings laying them on the bar.

I say to her "Oh well i was going to get a snack while Rae got ready, but i was hoping to eat out tonight if possible. Somewhere like O'hara's? What do you think?" I forage through the cupboards looking for a bowl to put some cereal into. Finally finding one i sit it on the counter top.

"Perfect Pet, When is Kim getting home?" Realizing her slip up as soon as she said it the apologies started to pour out of her perfectly formed mouth, "Oh hun I'm so sorry i forgot, i mean, has she called or dropped by or anything?" She says tensing up.

"Oh it's ok," I say as i start to choke a bit, "She's not going to call or come back because she doesn't realize what she's doing to me, she doesn't realize that I'm not going to call her until she calls me and i am through with it, i wash my hands of her." At the end I'm sobbing. It's all i can do to keep from doubling over with the pain of saying it. The bowl slips to the floor shattering. Kim, heh, after all she was 'the one'.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Sammy, come here." she holds her arms open, i know i should go and hug her, but i can't quite bring myself to do it so i just come and stand as she wraps me in her shapely arms. Mei after all is the image of perfection. Just the right height, the right weight, the right size, and shape, the best style of anyone i know and perfect hair and makeup, She looks more like a model then a salesperson. It makes me even more broken up.

"It's ok," I manage to choke back my tears and pull away from her bearlike grip. so strong to be so tiny, that's always Mei.

"I'm going to freshen up, why don't you try to wake Rae and we'll get going down the road eh?" I stumble through the words as clean up the glass shards and put them in the trash. I go towards the bathroom with a slight swaggering motion. It's always this way. I think to myself Me a mess, and the others perfectly fine. amazing how i get myself into these situations.


"I'm almost finished!" I yell out of the shower 15 minutes later. Mei and Rae are waiting in the main hallway for me to get out and get dressed so we can leave. The plan is to go eat and maybe clubbing afterwards, It's the weekend after all. I know that they want to get out of the house for a bit, and even if I'm not in the mood they are going to drag me out anyways so I might as well look presentable. I'm dressing when they knock, "Hurry up if we get there too late we'll have to pay to park!" Rae yells. I slip out of the bathroom in my most 'outgoing' ensemble. the ever popular black dress. I barely have time to put on shoes as they drag me towards the door.

We pile into my car and we're off to downtown. now, downtown Miraville isn't as big as most places but it's a college town so it's got all the amenities you could ever want in a city. The bars, clubs, and resteraunts make Miraville a fairly happening place by most standards. even if the rest of the places are a bit modest looking. One major reason for this is the University. the University is one of the biggest party schools in the state, it's where all the hip kids go to get their bought and paid for by daddy degrees. Unlike me and Mei whom have to work for everything we ever had. but enough of that. About the bars, Most places here have lady's night on Friday's and we all get in free with cheap liquor, what could be better then that?

I park the car at O'hara's and we pile out. We get strange looks as we walk into the resteraunt three college age girls looking like this, must be out to party. It's a new resteraunt and most the employees are our age, maybe older, and the patrons are the age of our parents. But it's good food, and i know the owner. Scotty. Scotty is this tall, scrappy ex-IRA hitman with a eghm, Reformed identity. He was one of my father's best friends. He was the one to take care of me when dad died.

"Ah, Sam, and who are these two lovely women?" He asks as we take a seat at the back. His accent is thick tonight, he must be stressed.

"Oh, these are Mei and Rae, my flatmates, you know the two i told you about last week who were flying in from New York?" I say it kindly. He knows that i wanted to stay there for college, he also knows why i came back to town 2 years ago. It's a tender subject so he leaves it at that.

"Sorry Sam, What would you ladies like to drink?"


After O'hara's Mei drives, she is the only one who didn't drink, she says it would ruin her figure, Psh, if alcohol ruins figures what about mine dammit?

When we get to our destination we all pile out of the car and head towards the club. When we get inside all the people are dancing and drinking and being merry. Me and Mei go and dance on the floor but i'm really not too up for it so i go and sit back down towards the far wall from the band and Rae joins me. "you aren't feeling to good are you?" She has to scream over the music to make herself be heard.

"No i'm really not!" I'm on the verge of panicking when i look up and see her. The one from my night terrors, the one with the blood stained hands, and i scream and close my eyes, but when i look back she is gone. Hopefully for good. I look back at Rae and she looks a bit worried so i comfort her and retreat to the restroom to get my composure back. I sit in the bathroom stall for possibly half an hour just trying to sober up a little and get my head straight. I tell myself things like, "It's just a dream.", and "You're just losing it again, Focus!" And eventually i get up the courage to walk back out into the main room.

I need a smoke, I think to myself and walk past the groups of dancing people through the crouded front area and out the doors to the ash tray beside the door, I sit down next to a girl dressed in a silver jumper with a ton of beaded jewelry. I pull out the cigarette and light it and she asks me for one so i give her one. I ask her name and she tells me, Rose. So me and rose sit there in silence until the cigarettes are gone and i get up feeling somewhat relieved and less maniacal and go back to the dance hall. Me and Rae dance for an hour or so then we grab Mei and go about our way with what we had planned originally to do, Go to Dryad's.

Mei gets in the car and starts it up, i'm laying in the back because I got a bit upset and trying to cool down by just staring at the passing sky. Rae and Mei talk the entire ride and i sit silent as we drive down to the docks to see Dryad.

When we get to Dryad's place we meet up with Max and the others, the whole gang is there, and we get along just like we did when we were in high school.

"Sammy!" Max and Joan yell as i walk towards the porch, Joan still looking like she always does, jeans and t-shirt, hair pulled back and a clove in her mouth, and Max draped across her lap trying to grab the sandwich she as holding out of the air. These two love birds will probably never split apart. they have been together for almost 4 years now. I watch the show from the driveway.

"Max! Joan! Long time no see, how's it going down here in stoner land?" Stoner land, our old name for Dryad's home, She has long cleaned up but it's still our favorite nickname for it.

"Man i haven't seen you since Mary's birthday last year, how're you doing Sam?" Max asks, "and who are these fine creatures you have with you?" It's the Autumn and i haven't been here since last summer. New apartment, New friends, new clothes, everything is new.

"Oh, yeah i haven't introduced you guys yet, this is Mei, " I motion behind me to my right where Mei always seems to stand. "And this is Rae." I motion to my left where i know Rae has filed in. "Mei, Rae, This is Max and Joan and you already know Dryad from last month, so no need to go and introduce you to her." I walk past them towards the house.

"Hi nice to meet you guys, you must have known Sammy for a long time yeah?" Mei as personable as ever... I've always hated her for that. So open and carefree, she gets along with everyone and everyone gets along with her.

"Oh yeah we've known Sammy since she was 12, she was a lot shorter then!" Max, of course.

"Yeah, we've been friends since we were in the seventh grade, that's been quite some time now." Joan gives the low down on our past as i go inside and leave the others to talk with one another. the voices calm and the sound of video games takes it's place slowly, almost like stepping through an invisible wall of white noise. The sound is from down the hall so i head that way.

Dryad's house wasn't always this happy and heartfelt. There is a lot of pain in these walls, her mother the alcoholic, the one who killed my mom, died in the same wreck. She was also the one who abused Dryad, neglected her, degraded her, made her into the person she is today. I wish she hadn't. There was once a time i stopped Dryad from OD'ing, telling her how I'd miss her, even if no one else would, there was always me. Dryad was my first girlfriend, I remember when her mother found out. Dryad ended up in an asylum or "hospital" as they call it now, and i ended up in Juvenile hall. those times have long passed though. And Dryad has since grown out of her "phase" as her mother called it.

I find Dryad, Playing playstation in her bedroom. She sees me and her face lights up, "Sammy! Baby, how are you!?" She runs to my arms, she knew i was coming by but she didn't know it would be tonight. I didn't call. I never do.

"Hey Dryad, how's it going, are you doing ok here by yourself?" I ask Knowing that she was, after all she grew up strong and hard as nails.

"oh yeah I'm great, How's it going with you now? and what is this i hear about you dropping out of the University?" She asks me knowing i won't tell her, but she knows she has to try to reach me. She doesn't know about Kim. I tell her the news and we have a good cry. I know she wanted me to be happy. But I tell her not to worry, Mei and Rae moved back from New York to live with me for good, i tell her I'll be fine, even though she knows i won't. I sit for a good while, i stare at the dimples in the cieling. just like the cieling in the apartment...

A shift in my reality for a second then I black out.

writing, legion

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