
Jun 19, 2010 21:26

 I wish I knew what was wrong with me.

So, 3 weeks ago I had my period. Everything was fine, it came and it went..... Well, sort of.

My period is technically supposed to run Wed - Wed. Well the Friday after roles around and I am still spotting here and there. Thinking it was weird but being too busy to deal with it, I just shrugged it off.

So we get into the second week, and I am still spotting. BUT, it's changing colour and lessening, so I once again shrug it off and assume it's coming to an end.

Now we are just ending my third week and I'm STILL spotting blood. AND I am feeling really sick to my stomach when eating. Like, eating a few bites and feeling like I want to throw up type sickness. And it could be ANYTHING. From cereal to corn to burgers to carrots! Now normally I do feel a little nauseous when I'm close to my period, but never for this long or this strong.

So, I am now ending my third week of bleeding. I went to a doctor and he said it could be one of a few things:

1. Could be stress related. I get that. I am moving in with my boyfriend, things are changing for me, I could MAYBE see it being stress. But personally, in comparison, I have been knee deep in assignments and been two steps away from balling my eyes out and haven't had this happen. And that has been WAY harder for me to deal with.

2. Could be my pill. Some people do develop a form of tolerance for it and my body could be reacting to that change.

3. It could be a spot on my uterus that thinks it's pregnant and is clearing the area for the egg to fertilize. If it is this option I will need surgery.

The doc. told me if I continue to bleed even AFTER next weeks scheduled period I will need to go to the hospital and get checked out. If I don't have my period next week I am supposed to go back and see him to do some tests there. If everything resets then it was stress and I should be fine.

Honestly, I just want it to end. I am tired of this feeling icky and like I want to be sick all the time and constantly waiting to see if I'm ok. I feel tired and moody and just bleh!

Silly feminine body. Always screwing me over in the end! *shakes fist*
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