Vacation week plans: change of edition

Oct 10, 2012 19:02

I went into this week with the plan to unpack, organize, sort and store all the boxes from my apartment move this summer. Hmm. I decided I was more than a little overambitious and have changed my plans.

The weekend was spent doing the normal weekend things. Holiday Monday, I made chicken stock, zucchini pickles & pickled jalapenos. Tuesday, my parents visited. Today, I looked around the apartment and decided not to stress about it all.

I listened to an on-line seminar, shifted boxes to get the plant stand into a usable position, set up the little stereo my parents gave me (and discovered the reason the radio doesn't work is that the antenna is missing - next up, internet search), walked to McD's with my friend (who was working from home) for coffee and took myself out for dinner.

Tonight's plan involves sorting the books that are on the dining room table and writing. Tomorrow is my cooking day - stew and soup and muffins - as well as more sorting & writing. Friday, I need to run errands and do more sorting & writing.

Work will come far too quickly for me not to actually relax a little. So, change of plans. I'll schedule the emptying of boxes over the next few weeks and hope to have it all done before the end of the year. Then I can focus on what furniture/organizational aids/etc. I can use.

year of dam busting, vacation, writing

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