Every Time You Pass This On A Faerie Gets Her Wings

Sep 20, 2012 18:00

Originally posted by copperwise at Every Time You Pass This On A Faerie Gets Her Wings
TWO more days until we walk!

Toby Froud's doing the whole walk on STILTS. His mother, Wendy, is a gorgeous artist and one of the sweetest ladies I know.

I'm walking for Wendy. I'm walking for tanuki_green, who's a diabetic. I'm walking for MYSELF, even.

And because the world needs more magic, our team, the Blood Sugar Plum Faeries, will be going full Faerieworlds and dressing up for the walk.

The Portland Walk is WAY below fundraising goal. If you can spare a dollar, please sponsor me and my team. Even if you can't, please boost the signal for us.

<3 and fairy sparkles!

can 't stop the signal, fundraising

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