Apr 23, 2010 21:20
Every guy I know for the past month have been on there "man period". I've had to deal with random mood swings, bursts of violence, and craziness almost EVERYday!!! ugh, here's a perfect example. I have a friend named Zane. We were really cool and all until one night when we were talking on IM. I sent him a couple messages, but then he just randomly stopped answering back. Thinking that he just didn't wanna talk anymore, I logged off the IM and got on facebok. (cuz isn't that what everyone does anyways??) haha, so I'm on facebook and my sister comes up and starts dancing and shaking her little 6 year old bootie all around and it was hilarious and I thought I'd share it on F.B. before bed. my status was like "Someone has just made my day, and now it is complete soooo good night cyberworld!" and I logged off.
Later that night Zane had sent me a message via email i think it was... he was like: "Someone just made ur day huh? and I guess you just forgot about me then? Well I'll just go fucking rot if that's alright with you." OMFG! I swear I was going crazy when I read that. I did absolutely nothing to this guy and then he randomly blows up on me... I REFUSE to let some guy talk to me like that for no reason... He said that being aggressive was just a part of who he was, and that he couldn't (more like won't) change the way he was. Well, does being a prick include as being you too Zane? Yeah now he's all I just want my friend back, and I really don't feel up to hearing it right now. Crazy mood swings. one minute he's all in a rage because he doesn't have my FULL attention, and next he's all sad because I don't want to talk to him right now... ugh, Just sit down Zane and take some midol honey, because I'm pretty pissed. - Fin part 1