Nov 16, 2007 11:00
In yesterday's Metro there were two interesting tidbits. One was a photo of a man being carted off to the hospital after a Christmas tree that he was setting up fell on him. Dude, this is clearly a sign from God (or Clapton or whoever) that it is too early to be decorating for Christmas! Stores are already playing Christmas music. Ugh. I guess I will be avoiding shopping for the next six weeks or so. Which sucks because I work right near Downtown Crossing, and shopping is a good way to kill time. I guess I can just wear my iPod or hope that they play Mariah Carey.
The other thing in the Metro that I found funny/disturbing was the man-on-the-street interview. They always choose three people around Boston and ask them silly questions. Yesterday's was, "What movie are you looking forward to?" One guy said I Am Legend because it seemed like something that could actually happen. So, this guy thinks that the world might actually be taken over by zombies? I hope he was kidding.
After work yesterday, we went to the diviest dive bar ever on the outskirts of Chinatown. Every time white-collar workers walk in there, the bartender says, "Who got laid off?" I don't think that will ever get old.
Apparently, there is a doctor in Tennessee named George W. Booze. I love that so much. It's awesome in so many ways. I hope he's a liver specialist. "Paging Dr. Booze...."
Ummm... what else? Joanna is visiting this weekend from Bermuda... yay! She came over last night for Grey's Anatomy. Just like old times... We're gonna do dinner tonight. And it's also my friend Mollie's birthday tonight, so I am going out dancing for that. I'm gonna have to leave work early to get ready so I can do both things. I have my priorities after all. Both my roommates might come out dancing tonight, so it will be Molly(ie) overload! They have both been baking a lot lately, which is bad because it's making me fat. If I leave early today, maybe I can go jogging.... I also have to practice for the 4-mile race I'm running on Thanksgiving. Which I cannot believe is almost here!! Where does the time go?
Mollie had a BF for a while, but they broke up a couple of weeks ago, and Stephanie and her BF just broke up last night. She says there's something in the air.
current events,
funny names,