To continue the theme and to get these out of my system, I offer two further Kenshin glimpses: sake used a prop for a piece of taunting and the downfall due to the sake (I really need a more appropriate picture for this - big apologies to Gackt for stealing a bit of Crescent for Kenshin):
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I like Fallen, but Kampai really sticks from all your (Gackt) poems for the different mood setting.
And English isn't even your first or second language?? Wow - you are one impressive poetry reader then! Most native English speakers can't get much out of poetry so you really score.
And - AND - you speak Chinese?! Wah! Lei sik m sik gong gwang dong wa? I will know the answer depending on whether you can understand what I have written!
Excuse this very brief response to all your hard work on reading and leaving the individual comments: I really appreciate that (and I'll pick them up later) and I hope that this chat doesn't seem rude to you. It's certainly not intended that way. It's just that I have two kung fu classes today so I'm running short on time this morning.
Thank you again for giving me so much of your attention.
Lei ho ma? Yes cantonese I understand ^^, I just hardly use it to communitcate it over the net, for everyone differently 'pinyin' it. Having hakka roots too, so kinda complicates my chinese conversing skills. lol.
you're most welcome. Your poems are great, so it was time well spent ^^. Though I might still not really understand all of your poems. my bad. -.- Looking forward to your next poem.
No need to excusee yourself. We all have a full life next to LJ ^^
Ey, congrats on your recent Gackt photobook buying ;) Money well spent!
now, not to start a battle of the sexes here or something. I do agree with you, but eventually it's man=man woman=woman.
Tao Chit = kinda
i like the rebel nic. and haven't seen too much of daddy nic, perhaps another transformation later. but sticking to his rebellious era. ah enough about chinese singers. This mind is now set on Gackt. ^^;
YAY! work your brain!
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