
Jan 09, 2006 13:15

Ok, I warn you all that this is random but I am sharing it with the general public anyway. Mostly because I'm at work right now and desperate for a distraction but none of you are posting ... so I figured I would post just in case you all out there are in the same situation and looking for something new to read.

So, I'm in love with Brussels Sprouts. I'm like any mother's dream. I eat them for lunch almost everyday. Its really exciting. But, the reason I am posting is because I'm excited about the way I get to have them. So, when I'm grocery shopping I buy bags of frozen brussels sprouts. And then, when I'm packing my lunch, I fill a tupperware container with the frozen brussels sprouts and a little bit of soy margarine. I put them in the fridge at work and when its time for lunch I just put them in the microwave for a few minutes. Voila - instant hot, lovely brussels sprouts. But it doesn't stop with just that, I've branched out to all sorts of frozen veggies. All sorts of hot veggies for my lunch. Its like salad for the winter time. And what a great way to get more vegetables in my general life.

I guess I'm a little too excited about this whole thing. But, I'm sharing all the same. Don't laugh at me.
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