(no subject)

Mar 13, 2010 00:48

[ Pink concrete and carvings of hearts. A give-away already as to the identity of the owner of the Looking Glass. But that's all you'll get, a view of the pavement and the sound of rustling skirts. After all, a Queen does not show her face to her subjects.

Not yet. ]

Welcome, everyone. You all seem to be looking quite well for foreigners who have been summoned to fight in a war.

Well no matter. That simply means you're all capable. Splendid!

We are Arietta, Queen of Hearts and Ruler of Wonderland- until a few certain individuals decided that their place on this world is different from what has been set. It is after all Our Role as Queen to be the sole sovereign of this land and not share it with Hatters nor Carnival owners. We find it disheartening that this war must happen- But those who defy their Roles must be punished.

[ She sounds momentarily bitter but proceeds. ]

Hence We are delighted to see you all, especially those who have decided to fight for Our cause. You will not be disappointed, fear not, for this war shall end soon with your help. We however do not tolerate failure in any way. And if such actions were to be presented before Us then it must be dealt with the quickest of punishments- What is it now?

You simply do not disturb the Queen when We are speaking to our-

[ Arietta stops talking and you'll hear quiet mutterings from the side of the Looking Glass as if people whispering to the Queen. ]


We are the only Queen of Hearts in this Wonderland. Let it be decreed that whoever forth declares herself as the Queen of Hearts be put to death by decapitation.

Off with this man's head right now!

Now, where were we- Oh yes.

As Queen, We shall hold a ball to welcome all in two weeks. We are even preparing it as We speak. Everyone of course is invited whether you belong to Our faction or not, even if We must endure the presence of those two. We shall all expect you in two weeks and We insist that you come visit us.

Castle Hearts is a far better place to stay than that horrid carnival or that mansion.

!roleholder: arietta

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