Crop your image to the size you want it, I made mine 100 x 74, then paste it onto a 100 x 100 blank canvas.
New Adjustment layer, Hue/Saturation -
Master Sat = +43
New Adjustment Layer, Selective Colour -
Reds = -100 0 -30 0
Yellows = +95 0 +41 -27
Neutrals = +69 -33 -40 -23
Duplicate your base, drag it to the top, set to softlight.
New Adjustment Layer, Hue/Saturation -
Master Sat = +36
Where your image is transparent (up the top) using the marquee tool, select that area and then fill it with white.
Add some tiny text and if you like a brush.
Go back to your base and sharpen it.
Flatten and you're done!
Other icons made using this tutorial -
I would love to see your results =D