app @ theposthumans

Mar 16, 2011 21:40

Player Name: Tricks
Personal LJ: parametric
AIM: fail hero
Other characters currently in-game: N/A
Who referred you to the game?: hate_actually

Character Name: Jade Harley

Canon source: Homestuck

Personality: Superficially Jade appears to be a lovable little airhead with a memory problem and an overenthusiastic smile for everyone she meets. She’s bubbly, cheerful, and optimistic, and often the one to tell her friends that things will be okay, no matter how bad the situation is. She can often appear to living with her head in the clouds because of this, and the fact that she sleeps all the time and has such a bad memory that she literally needs to put string on her fingers to keep things in mind doesn’t help that impression.

Under that, though, is a very deeply caring person. In fact she’s very aware of the sorrows of others and fully admits when a situation is fucked all to hell. In fact she often understands what could happen better than anyone. But Jade has unshakeable faith that things will always get better and turn out for the best if people try their hardest. Even if everything goes wrong, to Jade, there’s still a chance that it can go right in the end. This is why, despite her airy excitable manner, she is also a very determined person prepared to sacrifice just about anything, even herself - she takes an entire moon to the face for her brother and best friend John without a second thought, and later uses the dead body left over from that as fodder for a sentient construct of the game they are playing. After all, if she’s not willing to try her hardest and make difficult sacrifices, then the chances of things being all right again in the end will disappear.

Underneath that caring and determination, Jade is also very intelligent. The reason for her absentminded demeanor is more that her head is stuffed full of difficult-to-parse information than a lack of ability to concentrate. From a very early age, Jade has had to contend with two obstacles in her life - first of all, the death of her grandfather (resulting in a lack of human contact to teach her about life), and secondly, a gift of prophecy. Jade’s narcolepsy did in fact serve a very valuable purpose; it allowed her to visit her dream home on the planet Prospit, where she saw visions of the future in the clouds of Skaia that she could then plan for. Only visions, though. She had to piece together the information behind the visions on her own, learn to fend for herself and get in contact with the other people she would eventually come to know and befriend, and plan to get them through the end of the world safely. Even after she loses the advantage of Prospitian prophecies through her dreamself’s death, Jade continues to keep a level head and plan ahead - it’s hinted that her plans are integral to a lot of the crazy shit that happens, and she is the one who invents the password system to keep Trollian from making her time-disparate conversations with the trolls another thing to keep track of along with everything else she has to do at a breakneck pace.

Jade isn’t always level-headed, though. Particularly after her dreamself’s death she starts losing patience with people who won’t make themselves useful in a desperate situation - most hilariously seen in the case of Karkat, who receives the full brunt of her pent-up anger towards the trollings he’s heaped on her throughout her life and appears to not really know what to do about it. Even later on, when they become friends, she refuses to let him waste time with his normal rants, instead being extremely firm and bossy with him even as she is her normal cheery self to anyone else who talks to her. Not just Karkat, either - she doesn’t take bullshit from Tavros, one of the trolls she places on the “nicer” end of the spectrum, and refuses to coddle her overwrought prototyped dreamself once it gets past the basic hugs and consoling words, at one point saying good riddance to her if she won’t be useful. Just because Jade defaults to cheerful and friendly doesn’t mean she’ll passively allow people to walk all over her; after all, she did orchestrate a lot of the events leading up to the basic Homestuck storyline, and that side of her shows more and more as time goes on.

Basically, Jade is an intelligent and determined girl who also happens to be a total airhead and delight in silly things like a kids’ show about ocean creatures. She’s just cool like that!


-Jade has a sylladex, basically hammerspace, with multiple applicable fetch modi (methods of storing/retrieval for items). Currently she uses pictionary modus. Please note items will probably be stored in there on arrival.
-The Iron Lass suit. Yep, that would be an Iron Man suit for a 13-year-old girl.
-Skill with guns, specifically rifles (she could dual wield flintlock pistols as a baby, albeit the wrong way around) and several guns in her inventory
-Cultivates lots of cute flowers and fruits and vegetables!!! :D
-Probably quite fit from running around her island all the time and tussling with her immortal dog guardian, though nothing out of the ordinary for a teenaged girl
-At least five computers on her person at all times!! This includes the JUNIOR COMPU-SOOTHE SPECTAGOGGLES, which allow her to see events taking place elsewhere. Jade alchemizes stuff that is either extremely useful, quite stylish, or completely useless, okay.

-Though her narcolepsy has been revealed as a case of Vriska using her for a guinea pig, Jade’s body is now acclimated to sleeping a LOT and at all hours of the day. Thus she will still probably fall asleep at inconvenient times and places, though not nearly as suddenly as in canon.
-Like her brother John, Jade has a tendency to trust people a bit too easily, though not as easily as he does.
-She’s also pretty naive about what is and isn’t normal. This isn’t a problem with her close friends, but with people who don’t know her, well. Awkward times may very well be ahead.
-Jade is extremely forgetful and often puts colored thread on her fingers to remind herself of important things.
-She’s unaccustomed to living among other people. In fact, she hasn’t even met any of her friends in person so far. Again, expect awkward.

Preferred drop-in point: Seattle

What are some of your plans for this character in their new environment?
Oh boy, what can’t Jade do!
-Grow plants!
-Have sweet jams with fellow children!
-Fall asleep inconveniently!
-Derp happily at people in inappropriate situations!
-Call Karkat a fuckass!
Etc, etc, generally I just want to be have fun with everyone. It’s what I usually look for in a new RP.

First Person Journal Sample:
oh gosh!! hi everyone!
um well this is certainly different
i wonder whose dream bubble this is!
ive definitely never been anywhere like this :O
oh gosh but i really need to get back!!
i was talking to rose and it was really really important and
oh noooooooooo
i hope i wake up soon :(

um um who else is in this dream bubble anyway??
if anyone else has these mini computer things i mean
they must be part of the memory right?
so i hope more people are here that can answer!
the last bubble i was in had a whole bunch of people :D
it would be nice to talk to you guys again!!! i am always so busy when i am awake hahaha
and unless there is something important to see again i guess we can just hang out until i wake up!

[ A few moments later, the video feed comes on, showing a bespectacled bucktoothed girl in what appears to be a feminine power suit staring at the screen intently. ]

Oh! What did that button do? Oh I see, it’s video! Oops. Well um. Hello!!

[ She waves a little, grinning, and then continues fiddling with the cell. After a few minutes of this she finds the button to turn off the feed, and the video goes off. ]

sorry about that!!

Third Person Sample:
This was a very confusing dream bubble.

Okay, so far Jade had narrowed down this much: she was in Seattle. The nice people in lab coats had told her that much. (Oh, and she had a chip, whatever that meant. And a shiny new PDA! Though she already had several other computers, they had been so insistent that she take it that she felt bad.) So this must be John’s dream bubble, right? Only John had never told her about anything like this happening! And they’d known each other and shared just about everything. Maybe it was a blending of memories, that could probably happen, right? But who else had that sort of thing happen to them, with the people and the PDAs and stuff?

And it was awfully big, too. Bigger than she remembered the dream bubbles she’d been in before being. Usually they were confined to the area of a memory, and whatever memories they shifted to next, until the inhabitants figured out where they were and started consciously shaping it. Well, that was okay! She still had her inventory. (She hadn’t ever tried her sylladex in a dream bubble before, but maybe it was normal to have it?) And that meant she could use her Iron Lass suit to fly up above the city and scope it out! Gosh, she hoped John and whoever else was in here wouldn’t be too hard to find.

A few minutes later she found a public bathroom and excused herself into it, grumbling a little. Stupid sylladex and its lack of stylish outfitswapping all of a sudden. Fine, she could do it manually, even if it was slow because the suit was kinda heavy. After a bit of this she emerged from the bathroom, scooted off somewhere where people wouldn’t see her use the suit for more than flagrant copyright law violation, and took off.


...Wow, this was a really big dream bubble. Huge. How was she supposed to find her friends in all this?

With a little sigh, Jade landed on the rooftop of the tallest building to try out her new PDA. Might as well test it, right? And maybe it would have Pesterchum so she could talk to her friends. No, Pesterchum wasn’t installed, but there was some kind of Might as well try that.

app, ooc, theposthumans

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