app @ sortinghat_rp

May 15, 2011 00:12

Player Information
Name: Tricks
Timezone: PST
Personal Journal: parametric
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: fail hero @ AIM (friends-only)
Email Address:
Former/Other Characters in the RP: n/a
How did you hear about us?: I've been friends with Man-D and Poptart for a little while, they've talked about this place before so I decided to check it out c:

Character Information
Name: Jade Harley
Canon Origin/Series: MS Paint Adventures - Homestuck
School Year: 3rd
Gender: Female
Age: 13 14 by now oops
Out of school living location: The small island of North Ronaldsay, up in the Orkney Islands. Hass Harley insists on the most isolated place possible. :')
Blood status: Halfblood. Dad was a Muggle, mother was a wizard. As far as she knows, though, she is a pureblood.

Personality: Superficially Jade appears to be a lovable little airhead with a memory problem and an overenthusiastic smile for everyone she meets. She’s bubbly, cheerful, and optimistic, and often the one to tell her friends that things will be okay, no matter how bad the situation is. She can often appear to living with her head in the clouds because of this, and the fact that she sleeps all the time and has such a bad memory that she literally needs to put string on her fingers to keep things in mind doesn’t help that impression.

Under that, though, is a very deeply caring person. In fact she’s very aware of the sorrows of others and fully admits when a situation is fucked all to hell. In fact she often understands what could happen better than anyone. But Jade has unshakeable faith that things will always get better and turn out for the best if people try their hardest. Even if everything goes wrong, to Jade, there’s still a chance that it can go right in the end. This is why, despite her airy excitable manner, she is also a very determined person prepared to sacrifice just about anything, even herself - in canon she takes an entire moon to the face for her brother and best friend John without a second thought, and later uses the dead body left over from that as fodder for a sentient construct of the game they are playing. After all, if she’s not willing to try her hardest and make difficult sacrifices, then the chances of things being all right again in the end will disappear.

Underneath that caring and determination, Jade is also very intelligent. The reason for her absentminded demeanor is more that her head is stuffed full of difficult-to-parse information than a lack of ability to concentrate. From a very early age, Jade has had to contend with two obstacles in her life in Homestuck - first of all, the death of her grandfather (resulting in a lack of human contact to teach her about life) and secondly, a gift of prophecy. Jade’s narcolepsy did in fact serve a very valuable purpose; it allowed her to visit her dream home on the planet Prospit, where she saw visions of the future in the clouds of Skaia that she could then plan for. Only visions, though. She had to piece together the information behind the visions on her own, learn to fend for herself and get in contact with the other people she would eventually come to know and befriend, and plan to get them through the end of the world safely. Even after she loses the advantage of Prospitian prophecies through her dreamself’s death, Jade continues to keep a level head and plan ahead - it’s hinted that her plans are integral to a lot of the crazy shit that happens, and she is the one who invents the password system to keep Trollian from making her time-disparate conversations with the trolls another thing to keep track of along with everything else she has to do at a breakneck pace. Though her background in Sortinghat is different, she still retains this intelligence and ability to draw information together and use it wisely.

Jade isn’t always level-headed, though. Particularly after her dreamself’s death in canon she starts losing patience with people who won’t make themselves useful in a desperate situation - most hilariously seen in the case of Karkat, who receives the full brunt of her pent-up anger towards the trollings he’s heaped on her throughout her life and appears to not really know what to do about it. Even later on, when they become friends, she refuses to let him waste time with his normal rants, instead being extremely firm and bossy with him even as she is her normal cheery self to anyone else who talks to her. Not just Karkat, either - she doesn’t take bullshit from Tavros, one of the trolls she places on the “nicer” end of the spectrum, and refuses to coddle her overwrought prototyped dreamself once it gets past the basic hugs and consoling words, at one point saying good riddance to her if she won’t be useful. Just because Jade defaults to cheerful and friendly doesn’t mean she’ll passively allow people to walk all over her; after all, she did orchestrate a lot of the events leading up to the basic Homestuck storyline, and that side of her shows more and more as time goes on.

Basically, Jade is an intelligent and determined girl who also happens to be a total airhead and delight in silly things like a kids’ show about ocean creatures. She’s just cool like that!

Canon Background: OKAY SO once upon a time a baby girl blasted onto a deserted tropical island on a meteor, where she was found and adopted by a really badass old dude who owned the island. As it so happened, this girl was actually his daughter! But it was through complicated ectobiology shenanigans instead of the more traditional way, so we'll skip that part. The point is, this guy took the baby girl in, and named her Jade Harley.

Jade had a nice life on her island with her grandpa and his pet devilbeast dog Becquerel until one day, due to shenanigans and misunderstandings by an alien from another universe, her grandpa was shot through the heart at his tea thanks to her failure to properly dual wield flintlock pistols as a toddler. After that she had a lot of trouble sleeping until she woke up on Prospit, a dream land in the video game she would play years in the future. After that, due to another alien from another universe, she was afflicted with narcolepsy and spent much of her time asleep, usually without warning. On Prospit, she saw visions of the three friends she would make, the game they would play together, and the things she would have to do to make sure everything happened all right; this became her new mission while awake, particularly the creation of a cyborg plush rabbit with many weapons of destruction. In this last she was aided by her penpal, a mysterious boy able to send and receive letters and items through time and space to her, who told her he was her grandson. Somehow.

SO THEN APRIL 13th 2009 CAME AND THE WORLD ENDED! There was a video game involved. Jade slept through a lot of it. Occasionally she came online to pester her friends, John, Rose and Dave, but for the most part she was out of the action until Dave entered the Medium. At this point she found a pair of game discs in the old temple on her island (they used to be Dave's, time shenanigans happened) and entered the game as Dave's server player. In this she was alternately extremely helpful (sending him captcha codes to apply upgrades to his alchemiter) and rather useless (putting towels in the toilet and prototyping his kernelsprite with a dead crow). Meanwhile, John was derping around, Rose was discovering arcane majyyks, and Jade's cyborg bunny was helping a villain screw up their Sburb session and start the Reckoning, or endgame, at least a month before it should normally happen instead of helping out John. After this villain gained ULTIMATE POWER he turned it on the moon of Prospit, and to save John (who turned out to be her brother thanks to ectobiology shenanigans), Jade flung him out of the way and sacrificed her own dreamself, and thus became no longer able to read the prophecies of Skaia's clouds.

When she woke up, though, Jade had bigger concerns. John's dreamself had woken up, but he needed to be awake in the Medium, because a meteor was bearing down on Jade's house and his presence as her server player was required to save her. At this point Shit REALLY Got Fucked Up, because after giving the villain (Jack Noir) the cyborg-bunny-assisted power of two endboss monarchs, Jade accidentally gave him even more when her devilbeast dog prototyped itself to protect her - giving him awesome teleportation powers and massive nuclear energy capabilities on top of everything else. WHOOPS. (It should be noted that Sburb is a really, really complicated game, if you couldn't tell.) At this point, though, John lost all his computers in one fashion or another, and fell out of contact with Jade. Instead, Dave from the future (who was busy reversing in time to assist over the course of one day over and over again) stepped up and "broke" the game with the Intellibeam Laserstation, which allowed him to copy the server disc from Sburb and become Jade's server player in John's stead. Jade prototyped her dead dreamself with her sprite, but that turned out to be useless; instead, she progressed with the aid of the trolls, aliens from that other universe that keep getting mentioned - at least, the trolls she could stand.

When we last left Jade, she was busy happily fulfilling her breeding duties. That is to say, she was busy breeding frogs. What did you think I was talking about?

Background (AU!Canon; HP): Dog. SO ONCE UPON A TIME, Jade's mother, a pureblood wizard, fell in love with a Muggle - earning the derision of her family in the process. Still, she loved him enough to leave the world she'd known behind. That is, until their twin babies, boy and girl, were born. Then miss Harley freaked out after John's birth and left with baby Jade, without even telling their father that he had a daughter. Some time later, she and her baby ended up on her estranged father's doorstep in the northernmost of the Orkney Islands; she left the child there, and after that disappeared, never telling Hass who the father was, or even the baby's birthday. He ended up placing her birth in December, four months before her actual birthday, but was determined to be a good guardian to her.

Jade grew up happy, if isolated. Her grandfather taught her a love of Muggle gadgetry, particularly guns, but kept her away from Muggle society. Wizard society she generally only came in contact with when traveling with him to strange and distant lands; Hass was estranged from the family, so they never came to visit him or his granddaughter, or even sent letters, and North Ronaldsay is pretty inhospitable for just about anyone as it is. Jade brought back plants from the warm, lush places they visited, and under her care and magic they flourished in the last place they should be able to; if her grandfather hadn't charmed the place to keep Muggles out it might be a tourist attraction. Since they lived so far north, the sun had some pretty crazy intervals throughout the year compared to the rest of the world, and as a result Jade's sleep cycle suffered - she became sleepy at all hours of the day, often without warning, and even at Hogwarts she has trouble attending class because of it at times.

When she got her letter for Hogwarts she and her grandfather were ecstatic. Though she's had some trouble adjusting to meeting lots of people and going to school, she's made good friends in John Egbert, Rose Lalonde and Dave Strider; and even without them, her constant companion, the huge white family cat Becquerel, is always there to make sure she's not lonely. Overall she loves being in school, both to learn new things and to make new friends.
How would your character fit in to each House?
Gryffindor: Jade has a lot of determination and courage in her. In canon she's strong enough mentally to survive after her Grandpa's death for quite some time, and face off against monsters with a cool head; though she's not gone through the same things in SH, she still has that courage, self-sufficient nature, and determination. She'd also do anything for her friends, whatever the consequences.

Hufflepuff: Jade works hard! The determination so valued in Gryffindor would also help her in Hufflepuff. Though she is a bit forgetful, nevertheless she always will work on her important projects hard and see them through to the end, however long it takes. She is also very caring and loyal to her friends.

Ravenclaw: Jade is very much the Luna Lovegood of Homestuck, actually. She is very loopy and silly and says things no one else understands, but she is also extremely intelligent; in canon she's probably the smartest of the kids, both by virtue of knowing nuclear physics and high-tech gadgetry and by the fact that she is the one pulling the strings to make the events of Sburb occur. She also was so good with the prophetic dream clouds of Prospit that she was able to predict several events down to the moment that they would happen, despite the fact that these events are shown only as images in Skaia. So, yeah, Jade is rather airheaded, but her intelligence and resourcefulness would be an asset to her in Ravenclaw. In addition, she's extremely curious by nature, which would also help her fit into that House.

Slytherin: Jade probably wouldn't be the best fit in Slytherin, but a few traits could pave her way in this House. She has demonstrated an ability in canon to work behind the scenes and pull strings and use information well both in taking it in and giving it to others, and in fact is quite a bit of a tactician among the four Homestuck kids. Though she has no real desire for power, certainly she is intelligent and could go on to great things, and as the Sorting Hat itself says, "Slytherin would help you on the way to greatness, no doubt of that."

Sample Journal Entry: oh gosh!! i finally found this thing, i have been looking everywhere for it!!!
bec hid it under his kitty cushion in his bed, i do not know how that is any kind of sensible place to leave a journal.
soooooo silly!
anyway so hi everyone! :D
i hope you are all studying hard for finals??
well i guess maybe you wouldnt be if youre reading this
i was thinking maybe us third years should all get together and have a little study group in the library!
maybe saturday would be ok? hmm, is there a hogsmeade day saturday? i dont think so but i have been so busy i dont even remember.
but yeah everyone let me know if that is ok!!

oh oh, thats right!!!
i was going to ask
what are everyones plans for summer vacation??
is anyone going anywhere?
grandpa mentioned we are going to the perhentian islands this year!
so that is pretty exciting :D
what about you guys???

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: Jade climbed up the steps to the Owlery, taking them two at a time as was her usual manner. It was nice that the days were turning warmer; though she would always love the snow, warm weather was not exactly common at home, and she was always happy to have it. She'd written a bit about it in her last letter to her Grandpa; this one was mostly about her studies, as Jade had been trying hard to make up for a particularly bad spell of inconvenient sleeping in school.

Her owl, a Northern Hawk given by her grandfather when she was accepted to Hogwarts, flew down when it saw her enter the Owlery. She smiled fondly, petting him gently with a finger, then letting him have some bacon rinds she'd saved from breakfast. "You know, Tesla," she said as she affixed the letter properly, "you and I need to have a talk about Dave."

Tesla appeared to ignore this, instead starting to preen himself.

"I am serious! You could really hurt him one of these days. I saw that last bite you gave him when we came up here together last time, mister!"

Tesla ruffled his wings, as if expressing his boredom with the lecture.

"He is my friend, okay? My really really good friend. I don't know why you don't like him, but you could at least try to be nicer because I really do like him a lot!"

The owl regarded her coolly, and she sighed. "Fine, fine, go fly to Grandpa. I will see you when you get back. Please don't bring dead mice to the dinner table this time, I get enough of that from Bec."

app, ooc, sortinghat

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