Jul 24, 2007 11:03
I watched 80% of the CNN YouTube Democratic debate last night. I have to say that I was excited about the format. If it appealed to me, then I think it was definitely aimed at the younger crowd. I can't see the Republicans debating in that type of format because most of them are so conservative and staunch that they'd scoff at the very idea!
My opinions about a few of the candidates have changed ever so slightly after hearing what they had to say yesterday.
Hillary: She played the female card a little, but not so much as to make me roll my eyes. I thought the question given to her regarding how many Muslim and other countries view women in such a submissive light, would that affect her relations with the leaders of said countries. In otherwords, would they look down on her and brush her off because she is a female in power. Her response was good -- she brought up that there are MANY women in power around the world and that because she has been 'around' for over 30 years, she knows most of the leaders already. Good point.
Obama: He was given a few rough questions like if he were in office, would black people get reparations because of slavery. His answer was that there would be no money given out and no special privileges, but that the reparations would be better education, etc. Which is true, because one of the main ways to give back to our future generations is to increase their opportunities for knowledge and learning. The issue regarding his debate with Mitt Romney about sex education was also brought up. I really like his stance of implementing early (kindergarten, pre-K) sex education. My mom and I discussed this just the other day. The fact that there are so many parents and relatives out there that are abusing their OWN CHILDREN...they certainly aren't going to be teaching their kids what is and what is not appropriate touching. Kids need to know these things, they need to know what to look out for. Yes, sex education definitely needs to be age appropriate and yes we need to start it at 4 or 5 years old and continue it through the 12th grade. Just the other day I read a story about an 11 year old boy who gave an STD to two younger girls. Now I realize that there are certain circumstances in which you cannot get out of no matter how hard you try (it is harder the younger you are, obviously) but there are going to be so many more repercussions in the future if we don't start changing things now.
Edwards: He had some good points, but kind of stuttered when it came to the hard hitting issues. I give him a 5 out of 10.
Mike Gravel: Shut the hell up already. The reason why you only got like 4 questions during the night is because you completely go off topic every time you speak. Stop WHINING and BITCHING already. Puh-lease.
Chris Dodd: Uh...yeah, he's the guy with the white hair. Next...
Joe Biden: He wants the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH. Apparently. According to him. That's honestly all I heard when he spoke.
Dennis Kucininch: Strange little man who wants us to, if we do nothing else, text the word PEACE to some number because supposedly Congress has an I-Phone stashed away under the podium.
Bill Richardson: Interesting points, but he's a governor and I just don't think he has the hutzbah to make a go for it in the White House.
Okay...well, yeah. That's my opinion on the debate...some of it is more commentary than anything else, but there ya go.