Title: Umbrella (or Cry Part 2)
Author: Sophie
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Emily/JJ
Rating: PG for one (maybe two?) cuss word
Disclaimer: I don't own jack- including the Rihanna lyrics
Spoilers/warnings: spoilers for 3.17 In Heat
Author’s notes: Thanks to Sofia_Lindsay for the beta.
Suspecting that Will is on the other side of the door, you brace one
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Comments 9
I really liked the choice of words. It's so typical.
“I’m afraid this person doesn’t feel the same way,” you tell her. “And I’m afraid that if I tell them how I feel I’ll lose the friendship that we have.”
At first JJ is very non-descript.
Emily automatically assumes it's another he.
“What makes you think that he won’t feel the same way?”
And then JJ finally comes out:
“Because she was the one who told me that Will and I would be good together,”
Very well done!!
*sighs* To be such a smart woman, one would think Emily lives under a rock!
And this is what I want to see happen in Season 4!! Make it happen, please? *g*
Step 1: find a lair to stash writers
Any ideas?
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