Take off, you cosers!

Aug 03, 2006 16:03

Cosplay comes to the PRC. (Cosh)

For hyperblaster: MobileTracker says the Chocolate is okay; Walt Mossberg, on the other hand, says only the looks are sweet. Mossberg's full review is behind the subscriber wall, but having read the print edition, I recall his slagging of the phone's minimal memory storage (~64 MB of RAM available for storing music; a card to bump that up to 1GB will set you back a C-note) and his annoyance with the wheel-that-isn't control.

Is Fidel dead? Only his brother Raul and the other insiders know for sure, but Peggy Noonan says it's high time we said good-bye to Fidelismo -and anti-Fidelismo.

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