"If this movie sucks...it's your fault. You made it suck."

Dec 23, 2005 10:15

Finished the Christmas shopping at Best Buy last night, and also picked up a copy of Serenity, which strangely enough was not on the display with the rest of the DVDs that had come out this week, but was buried back in the SF section. Bastages. I probably should have waited to buy the DVD, or better yet not bought it at all, since I've already seen the movie five times and money is going to be tight these next three months. Still...I want to see a sequel, or maybe even a second season, and if picking up the DVD will help even a little bit, then I'm in. I didn't watch the whole thing last night - just the final fight in Mr. Universe's backup transmitter room, and some of the commentary track for the opening scenes. The commentary, along with the rest of the extras, is worth the price of the DVD all by itself.

I also made the time to watch the pilot episode, finally, and it was GOOOOOD.

Still sick with the cold or flu or whatever's afflicting me, but not feeling quite as bad as I did yesterday...at this rate I should be completely healthy and hale no later than Epiphany. More drugs, more warm liquids...

tv, medical stuff, movies

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