Bad morning

Dec 22, 2005 11:18

I went to bed fairly early (for me) last night and slept pretty well until around 3 AM when I woke up coughing and feeling like my chest was going to explode. It didn't, but it sure hurt like hell. Managed to get back to sleep for a couple more hours, but when I got up everything seemed to take forever, and as a result I drove in to work. Between the DayQuils, the cough drops and the Histenol Forte tabs from the Zee Medical box here at work, I'm functional but that's about all I can say. Still not sure how I managed to make it through WalMart, Cub and Dick's last night; still have to stop by Best Buy and get the last of the Christmas shopping out of the way tonight.

Tons of registrations in the mailbox yesterday along with my copy of Morison's European Discovery of America: The Northern Voyages. I really lucked out on that one; the copy is a collector's edition bound in leather with the froufrou endpapers and gilded page edges. It ought to last a while.

medical stuff, anime detour, books

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