Thank God for the Bomb

Jun 06, 2015 11:22

Been mostly offline the last couple of days that I've been in Rio Rancho since I've been either sleeping or visiting relatives, but since I am resuming the drive to Vegas today I needed to take a few minutes along the way to do a little job hunting, file for unemployment (fail; the online app thinks I'm out of weeks again), and post to the LJ so later I'll be able to remember what happened...

...anyway, I finally got to Casa Jaramillo around 1730 on Thursday, which is roughly when I told cousin Vinnie I would, and then sat around drinking water and talking until 2100 when I started falling asleep on the couch. Crashed in the guest room, which has a ton of tchotchkes from Uncle Joe's career, which was mostly spent in the Special Forces. Crashed so hard I didn't get up until noon on Friday, much to the alarm of my Aunt Emily, who had been expecting me to show up Thursday night. Called and Facebooked her, arranged to meet her and Uncle Jimmy Griego at their place in Tesuque (west of Santa Fe) in the afternoon, and after downing a large mug of Vince's coffee I hit the road. Stopped along the way at the Walmart for sunscreen and Solarcaine and at the memorial to the Mormon Battalion, which is in the middle of nowhere off I-25, and eventually got to the Griego place around 1530. Much talking and dinner ensued, and I left around 2100 with a family tree that helped explain how I'm related to the various Lyles, Jaramillos, Griegos, Olguins, etc. who are my cousins on Mom's side of the family. As for why Mom didn't move back here when Dad told her it would be okay with him if they decamped from DC, Aunt Emily didn't know either.

On the way back to the Jaramillo place I opened up Ingress for the first time since leaving Covington and nuked a few froggy portals, claimed some open portals along 599, and did in some more green portals off 550. Most of the portals around here are L5s or worse, which says to me that there aren't a lot of players around.

Slept for about seven hours last night, shaved, changed bandages, and packed up my gear. One last cup of coffee with cousin Vince, one stop at the McD's to get caught up on a few things, and then it's off to Kingman, Arizona by way of the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History, because our family is all about the nuclear history. Might do some Ingress along the way. We'll see. My stuff is already in Las Vegas; now I just need to get into an apartment so I can tell them where to put it.

go west young man, ingress, family drama

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