Achievement Unlocked: Agent Recruited

Nov 30, 2014 17:35

It was, as usual, a good Thanksgiving weekend down at the Taylors' place, the General's problems with Lyme disease notwithstanding; he did his usual excellent job on the Thanksgiving bird, Mark demonstrated his command of the grill by planking salmon on Friday night, and the cream cheese/bacon/pistachio balls were very well received. Maybe I had more red wine than I really should have, and a few more carbs ditto, but by and large my waking blood sugars were tolerable if not good.

OMFG, after playing for four months in Northern Virginia, Luray was a wonderful break from the furious local action. There were a pile of unclaimed portals, weakly held froggy portals, and over a dozen new portals along US 211, US 340, and even in Luray itself. I didn't even get to the New Market and Front Royal battlefields. Took Mark out on Saturday afternoon and we hacked, dropped, linked and fielded for about ninety minutes, which was enough to get him to L2 and a third of the way to L3. Pretty soon he'll be making the frogs in Reston howl, of this I am sure. I went out solo on Friday afternoon and Saturday night, and also did some leisurely buffing and linking on the way back home, mostly along Virginia 55 out of Front Royal to Delaplane where 55 dumps you onto Interstate 66.I may actually get over 20 days on one of those portals, though I won't be despondent if that doesn't happen. It does look like the frogs are outnumbered in Luray, so my odds might be better than they are here where the landscape is rife with squads of frogs.

I enjoyed most of the books I mentioned in the pre-Thanksgiving book post except Horus Rising
, which was a ponderous, plodding example of Warhammer 40K thud and blunder. I got four chapters in before giving up and reading Virginia Postrel instead.

Already knocked out the FMJRA; going to take a break and then get to work on Rule 5 Sunday.

blogging, friends, books, ingress, food

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