They're at it again

Sep 16, 2005 12:35

Codex Alimentarius is a UN Trade Commission which would mandate the international trade of adulterated food well below US standards and prohibit the international trade of clinically effective high dose nutrients. Increased, preventable human suffering is the result and the strain on the economy as these needlessly ill people need to be treated with pharmaceutical and other conventional medical treatments (since Codex makes clinically effective nutrients and supplements unavailable) will be the result. Plain English: Codex will restrict or ban most vitamins and supplements and force people to take deadly and expensive pharmacuticals. In Germany this has already happened, and you need a prescription for things like Vitamin C supplements.

Codex presents itself as "Consumer Protection" when in reality it is "Corporate Protection" leading to a degraded food supply with toxins and adulterants which the American people do not want. For example, Codex allows 7 of the 9 deadliest pesticides (banned by the US and the Stockholm Convention) to be used on foods. Further, all high potency vitamins and minerals, protected under DSHEA, would, under harmonization, be lost with or without prescriptions. Also, Codex would effectively ban most organic food from being sold in the U.S., force all animals raised for food to be fed antibiotics and hormones, and institute mandatory high-dose pesticide spraying on our farms and food.

Congress knows virtually nothing about Codex although Congress can vote down our legal protections like DSHEA while opening the door for Codex without ever realizing there was a connection unless we educate them. That's what a Congressional Codex briefing will do.

Congress is our main defense against Codex, a threat of which they have generally never heard! A Codex Briefing will tell them what Codex is, what it will mean to them and their families and to their constituents. It will also inform the members of Congress about what they need to do to protect the US from this looming health disaster.

We all need to contact our members of Congress, and strongly urge them to set up a Congressional Codex Briefing.

Congress acts to satisfy the loudest voice. The Bigs (Big Pharma, Big Chema, Big Agribiz, Big Biotechna and Big Medica) have loud voices because they spend astonishing amounts of money over and under the table. Last year, Big Pharma spent $780 Million on Congressional lobbying, according to USA Today (April, 2005). Yet Despite This, We have the loudest voice of all because we send these people to Congress -- or don't!

Most members of Congress have never heard of Codex! It's up to you. Here are the steps which you need to take (and will need to take many times before this war is won, I am afraid):

TAKE ACTION. Visit and Email Your Members of Congress - Urging them to Set Up a Codex Briefing.

thanks to killertatertots and prenna
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