Feb 18, 2009 07:50
So, on NPR they were saying that, yesterday, when Obama came to Denver to sign the stimulus package at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (yay, he's already showing us how much he loves science), a bunch of republicans were protesting at the state capitol. They had pigs and were complaining that the stimulus is all pork or whatever. Hmm, ok, I think bridges to nowhere and stuff like that is a waste of taxpayer money. I'm also a little not into building roads because I'd much rather have good trains, but, overall, the stimulus is putting a lot of $ into science and renewable energy also, plus other useful things. Though, I still think the $ for birth control for poor people should have stayed in. I guess republicans think it's a great idea for people who are struggling to support themselves and the kids they already have to not be able to decide for themselves whether to have another kid. Cuz, one more kid isn't going to hurt, right?
Oh my god, we're putting this huge debt on our next generation. YOU F_ING HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!!! You're boss for the last 8 years, Bushie-boy, grew the debt more than anyone else has. And he left us with this economic crisis. It's all his fault and Obama is just trying to do his best to fix it. Oh, and, it was totally ok to go into deep debt for the Iraq war, which was an unnecessary and unjust war. That's ok. Debt is ok as long as it involves buying bombs with it and killing lots of innocent civilians. It's just terrible to go into debt to spend $ on our own country, improving it. They want destruction, not construction. Well, you're not in charge anymore. The era of fear is over, the era of hope is just beginning. Obama may not be perfect, but I think his head is in the right place and his long term goals for this country are more in line with what I want.
Don't the republicans see their hypocracy? Oh, if you haven't seen it, there was an awesome recent interview with former senator from new hampshire, John Sununu. It is awesome. John whoops his bootty. I really think he must be a fracking genius.