Started the medication today, it is only a week's course. I have to drink a lot of water and take them with food, three times a day. I'm still on the iron tables as well, so taking a lot of medication, therefore I've been waiting to get the next item, medically, on my list sorted.
I'm having "women's problems". While part of me is accepting this is my age, it is driving me up the wall, and not helping with the low iron count. Over a four week cycle it goes like this.
1) First week, slow build-up of bleeding over the course of the week, bloated and no appitite.
2) Second week, heavy bleeding and flooding. Flooding so bad it has ruined clothes and upholstery. With flood large blood clots as well. Constently smell of blood from me.
3) Third week tail off of blood just slight spotting.
4) Period stops.
Them back to step one. I'm constantly tired, lathgic I guess, sleep a lot and uncomfortable. A friend on my list has something quite similar and has been diagnosed as having on overian cyst. I'm wondering of I should get checked out for that. Any advice?
I've come across a few people, even outside my flist, who are going to the Kane concert in London. I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas of how we can recognise each other to meet up. I did think of badges, but have no way of making them, so, taking into account that I have zero artistic skills, and therefore no software to use, any other ideas?
Great day yesterday. David bought me an early Birthday present of a great pair of shoes. Lovely and soft and comfortable, while I bought myself some great slippers, which really keep me warm and have the memory foam, so mould to my feet for added support (high arches). The Beef Broth Soup also turned out really well.
I'm also considering being boring and tea-total at the Kane concert, as I'm pretty sure the drink would cost and arm and a leg, and I would rather spend what money I take with me on Kane merchandise. Is that just too boring.
I've also ordered a Kane t-shirt to go to the concert with. It says Kane with a set of wings attached, in black as I will be wearing black jeans, but will keep it covered before the concert with a jumper. It is November, I suspect it will be cold outside.
Really should run off now and leave some feedback for people. Anyone got any advice for me?
Similar shoes. Mine are two-tone brown and black