Ok, Season 2 brought us the black tank, then in season 3 Eric wore that blue sweater like nobody else could.
But what about season 4... there were a couple of hits and a lots of misses.
The hits:
Eric in black, this wonderful leather jacket from the first 2 chapters.... Even with a bag of potatoes, Eric looks hot.
Another black attire worn in the Bermuda Triangle scene, it captured the essence of Eric Northman...
Again, another black outfit wore in the heart ripping scene.... absolutely sexy, orgasmic
The misses:
The awful purple thing poor Eric wore for at least 3 episodes, thank God it was forgotten in the woods.... LOL Anyway, ASkars is so sexy he endured it with dignity
The matching robe from the care center.... wtf, having to wear the same ugly robe of the chupa cabras, this was so lame, ridiculous and it didn't make sense at all...
For obvious reasons I cropped the old man from the care center that was wearing a matching fugly robe...ugh
The following outfits were more bearable than the misses...
The plaid shirt.... something I bet Eric wouldn't wear....
This ivory sweater.... wasn't so bad either....
But perhaps this is the best look for Eric...
Qué culito lindo tiene el Vikingo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, Eric Northman sets the standard for any vampire out there...