In the Lingering Grips of Winter

Mar 21, 2013 20:33

Spring equinox or no, the winter still seems to be doing its best to cling on by its icy white fingertips. The last couple of days have even seen some little attempts at snow down here at sea level so I imagines it could well be looking a lot whiter in other parts. My own feverish cold thing at least does seem to have departed but this past week I seems to have been a somewhat discombobulated, wearied beast hence this entry has taken me rather longer to type than had initially been my ambition and now I can't much seem to remember any great detail of the stuffs the world has entertained me with lately. As I recall though, the weekend I ended up back once more at the caravan if it hadn't been altogether part of my plan and it wasn't perhaps the world of quiet tranquilities I might have altogether hoped for, it was still largely nice to spend time with the humans and the kitty beast. Meanwhile Sunday at the shop proved fairly underwhelming, at least I think it did since I can't seem to remember a great deal about what happened. At the moment though my major business at the shop revolves around a newly reshaped book department. Whereas we previously had non-fictions on the left and fiction on the right, since the big cheese was most impressed by book sales when he visited some weeks ago, it was decreed that the books should be moved to take pride of place on display along the back wall to attract the eye of passing humans. So now it is we has a big display of shiny biographies along the back wall whilst a slightly reduced space of non-fiction sits to the left (some of that space now taken by film and music which had previously occupied the back wall). General fictions remain along the right wall but with a slightly reduced space too as the romance books on the end now have an extra metre of shelving after we lost the little spinning stand thing that had stood up front in the window. Quite what difference this will make to sales remains to be seen, but it shall be interesting to see what direction my little graph goes in when I updates it on Sunday. As yet I'm not altogether convinced as to the benefits of this new layout. The fiction does look just a little bit cramped in its smaller space, and that was the thing we sold much more of than any other. However that did also have more space than any other section so maybe increased non-fiction sales will compensates. Hard to say really. I don't wants to leap judgements as yet just because I'm not entirely used to working with the new system either so will yet see how it goes. Mayhap it will make keeping up with rotation a little easier with these smaller sections but I fear there may now also be less space to get out the pretty. At least when it comes to the fiction anyways. Still, we shall see I suppose whether sales from our shiny new biographical display can compensate from any reductions in the sale of other stuffs. I know, thrilling isn't it?

I can't say I particularly expect sales in general to be particularly high this week since it seems to have been all sorts of quiet in the shop lately. Indeed, I spent a good part of Wednesday padding round a shop that was entirely empty. I suppose the excess of cold in the weather may have something to do with that although it hasn't seemed so bad really so is a little surprised to see it quite so quiet. Having been a somewhat wearied wolf however perhaps I shouldn't be complaining too vigourously about such things. Still, it leaves me to ponder just how busy or not things might yet turn out to be when we gets to the Easter holidays but I suppose if peoples have booked holidays they are damn well going to enjoy themeselves however hard the wind might be blowing! And of course there will be greater demand for books if the outdoors aren't all that enjoyable to be spending an extended amount of time in. Well we can only wait and sees on that I suppose. One thing that doesn't have to be waited on anymore though be at the Coliseum where unfortunately it seems we haven't managed to secure the funding to provide our computer lessons free for another year. We do await official feedbacks on quite what score we missed out on the grant. During a phonecall it was suggested that we may have lost out on our performance record but, umm, how can we perform if we don't has any funding to allow us to do so? Hm, well we has sent messages to those humans who we had provisionally signed up to the course, which could still go ahead, but they would now have to pay for the privilege of being shown how to operate their machines. Whether paying £5 for the privilege of an hour and a half in my instructional company be something I shall leave others to decide! Still, it is something a disappointment but we shall yet see what might yet be arranged. Otherwise, this week at the Coliseum has involved the entertaining task of postercraft, putting together a large (2x4 sheets of A3 paper) poster to advertise our forthcoming comedy gig with Messers Patrick Monahan and Ray Bradshaw who apparently have been on TV everything. Or one of them has at least. By and large though, cutting and sticking doesn't tend to come particularly naturally to a little wolfy, and the measurements for the board outside didn't turn out to be precisely accurate, but whilst the results may have been somewhat makeshift they seem to do the job so hopefully we'll be delightling the public with all sorts of humourous shenanigans in due course. We're also due to be visited by some other names who you're sure you've sort of heard of but can't quite place, you know, the guy off that thing, in due course so fun keeps coming one way or another!

By and large though, the major characteristic of my world at present seems to be one of a certain and uncertainty brought about by not hearing from people. Since the double glazing folk seemed to turn up a while back before mysteriously disppearing I have kept expecting to get me a new message about them any day, but as yet none has been forthcoming. It is a similar story as regards my fairy job folk in Scarborough. Having mistakenly forgotten to go to my appointment before last, and then having my last appointment cancelled due to sickness, I have since not heard any word from these peoples as to when I should expect to return. It's nearly been two weeks now, the amount of time that usually passes between appointments, and I'm not yet entirely certain quite what I should do. I replied to an email I was sent a little while back asking what they had in mind for me, but so far I has not heard anything. Not sure if they've sent me a letter or something and I just haven't received it, or they may simply have forgotten about me. It wouldn't be the first time either thing might have happened. Previously I was entirely forgotten about for a good period of months by a different fairy job company, though for all their scary, these folks have struck me as somewhat more serious about their affairs than the previous lot. Whatever the cause might be, I've not heard from them, and whilst I worry about it rather I'm not also naturally predisposed to go chasing them up about it either. Partly of course because my anxieties generally make it seem like a bad idea to stick my head in a lion's mouth as my brain tends to make me feel about these things, but then I'm not at all sure anything they might do with me would be all that worthwhile in any case. Although someone waving a stick at my head could help to some degree, some more positive motivations would be helpful too. There was a brief hint from them that they might just have some sort of original idea to helps me but for now it all seems to have disappeared. Ah well, I shall wait and see what might become of it. I yet has various other things to be thinking about the moment. In these times of austerity through which be living I now has to work out some means of paying the new taxes that it has now been decided the likes of me will be liable for so I shall have to work out some suitable means of managing that if I can. So it's all fun, nervous and confusing stuff really but when it comes down it I don't suppose that's any much different to way my brains tend to find the world the rest of the time anyways. Hopefully something reasonably tolerable may be managed.

Assuming though that I do live for any greater length of time there at least some pleasantly pleasant things for me to look forward to. The latest update to the world of Guild Wars 2 is now less than a week aways so I can look ahead to the continuation of my characters story. So hopefully there may yet prove to be something pretty on the horizon:

What it might be though, I couldn't really say but hopefully the mystery will turn out to be something positive. Meanwhile I gots Sandy Claws being rather more attentive by the large drop that actually lies just ahead. Heh, doubtless there's some sort of subtle metaphor available there somewhere but my brains aren't quite lively enough to be deftly subtle at the moment! Either ways, hopefully there are good things ahead, if there's a little distance yet before I gets there. Hopefully too at the end of April I should has me a visit from my goodly longest standing friend from the States, with whom I managed to have an enjoyable time with last year and hopefully will be able to manage again. There's a goth weekend not too far ahead either which hopefully I may be able to survive, if big brother is apparently not coming up for this one. So yes, stuff and things. Presently though there seems to be much which is up in the air and I can't really get the most precise of fixes on just what I feels about the state of my world at the moment, whether that's despondently miserable or despairingly dreadful, it's just too difficult to tell! Still, what can I do but shamble on I suppose and see what the end of this week may yet have in store. Hopefully things should come to make a little more reasonable sense in due course and I'll have a bit more of a fix on the direction of travel. And maybe Spring will actually arrive at somepoint too! So I suppose there are indeed pleasant possibilities in amongst the mess of the moment and I can but try to try my best to work something good out of it all. In the meanwhile I hopes all you good folks out there yet feel like you be all travelling in the right direction. I adds as much sparkle and fluffy good wishes I can to the communal stockpile which you may all use for whatever use you sees fit and will return for hopefully somewhat more coherent stories in the not too distant future. Bye for now my good peoples.
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