The past and trying to cope.

Mar 06, 2005 08:37

Time to talk a little about some thing that happened more than a week ago but needs saying. I've mentioned it here and there a little before but when I was at Fort Hood waiting for my medical discharge I was assaulted by my first seargent. It would have been fun to see where it ended up maybe but my being in jail for knifing or shooting him wouldn't have been cool. *Couple of notes here though about it. I carried a number of different size folding knives in my MOS in the army as well as belt tools like a Gerber multi tool or Schrade. I was also living off post already and owned a Glock .40 S+W.* The only reason my boss stepped between myself and the punk when he knocked me down was he knew I owned the pistol and would deal harshly with him. To make part of this shorter let's just say he got away without never having to pay for what he'd done even though I was assured he would. I knew he wouldn't get what was coming to him but I did get a chance to mind fuck him later. (Some time later I testified at an exroomies court martial proceedings and had a few minutes in the hall with Mcleod. "So tough guy did you know I owned a pistol that I had stored 10 minutes from post ? *Arrogant look to fear on his face.* "That's what I thought. Sgt. Nelson saved your life when he jumped in front of you to keep you from attacking me." *More than just fear in his eyes now.* "I'll just let you think about that some more."

We occasionally have flash backs when we sleep about how things did/didn't happen. Saturday night when I had 1 of my pet's sleeping with me we both rolled over in opposite directions and bumped each other solidly. I'll make this semi vague but I went from being asleep to combat ready in moments. Drew back, closed my fists, amped up on adrenaline, heart rate and BP up. Had to ask the pet if they where alright and the pet wasn't aware I'd just reached combat mode from a dead sleep thinking it was a flashback. Good news was that the pet had no idea and couldn't see the change in me the pup would have easily noted.
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