the hawk expresses frustration about the winter weather and other riff raff

Dec 14, 2013 11:15

So, the Amerks had their outdoor hockey game at Frontier Field last night and for once, I was glad not to have anything to do with it. Since Matt took over as the full time moose, I never wanted to be more far apart from that organization than I do right now. Firstly, their new moose costume looks awful; the character looks half asleep and completely stoned. Secondly, matt is part of the reason Reno was fired and he's too dense to realize there is NOT a difference in 'being let go" and "being fired". As far as Matt knows/believes, Reno wasn't fired, he was let go and he doesn't feel the slightest bit guilty.

My last run in with Matt at an event made me laugh. He said, "Remember when you told me that between college, the many appearances and reading programs the Amerks do and their games that I'd find that I have too much on my plate? Well, it's happened." I can't remember what I said to him, if I said anything. I was more interested in talking to some of the other performers at this event.

So, putting Matt aside and trying to avoid the cavalcade of posts on FB about that game, I turn my attention now, somewhat, to a new performer who moved up from Louisville. He inquired about filling in so I snatched him up right away and gave him some events to do whilst I recovered from laryngitis. Decent guy. Has good performance skills.

Stress at home isn't good. Still waiting on getting advanced on the housing waiting list and am working on the job hunt to nowhere. Despite some hopeful and impressive leads, we've both struck out. It is so damn frustrating. Makes me wonder what the point of it all is. Perhaps moving out of Rochester (if we have the cash to do so) and starting anew elsewhere might be on the table when our lease is up. Who knows.
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