Mar 03, 2013 13:40
I'm now 28 and I am a little surprised to be here. Not to say that I'm amazing I'm alive, but rather this day felt rather far away whilst in the midst of a rather difficult year. And while we're nowhere near out of the woods as far as a decent job, good pay and financial stability goes, I am hoping that things will improve.
I've applied at two vet clinics for both receptionist and assistant work, which would put me both on the front line with the public and lending a hand with the animals from time to time. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Thunder has become a solid alter ego. I've spent years as this character already, but, since the launch of his facebook account and kind of taking the lead on setting up events for him, I feel like I AM THE BIRD most of the time, even when not in costume. So, my inner actor is rejoicing because in that sense, this is a cool acting gig. I'm interacting with fans online at any time of the day as Thunder and having given him a voice online, his personality has realy developed.
That said, I've been working a lot harder behind the scenes setting him up with gigs. Essentially this means spending long hours online, digging for events, emailing, calling and meeting with people over lunch. It's amazing how much work I'm puttinginto this, and while I enjoy it, I wish I could be getting paid for it alongside the gig and game payments. Only because this is coordinator / directorial stuff, which is exactly what I wanted to do at a sports team and I was hoping that this would be my career (I decided this when i was a young bright eyed and bushy tailed college student, filling in the big giant shoes of Ellsworth). The Hawks did say there might be a chance for me to officially do this in April.
So, I am working with a contact/friend at Unos to set up a sweet mascot event in July that'll benefit a charity. It'll be an Iron Chef styled event, with each team mascot preparing a pizza (with a human assistant) and the proceeds going to a local charity that we're still trying to confirm. It's going to be a blast.