I'm Back!

Mar 23, 2009 19:33

Hello All!

I know, I know. I've been gone a long time. And I haven't been the most pleasant person for the past couple of months. A lot of things in my life changed very drastically and very suddenly. I had not been spending as much time with friends as I normally do, and I had all but completely neglected my dolls. To spare everyone their friend update pages, as well as anyone who just plain doesn't want to hear my long-winded recent history, I am going to put this behind a cut.

Here goes.

Last November we had Service Assignment day. I opened my certificate to reveal that I had gotten Surface Warfare, which is exactly what I wanted, so I was perfectly happy. After sticking around long enough to see what the rest of my company-mates got, I headed over to see my fiancee and congratulate him on his assignment. I got to his company area and watched as a group of Plebes wrestled one of my classmates to the floor to shave his head. I know, it sounds strange, but it a tradition here to shave the heads of the guys who get Marine Corps. While that was happening, I saw my fiancee walk by and go into his room, still with a full head of hair. I followed, and found him sitting in his desk chair crying. His certificate said he had gotten Navy NFO (think Goose, from Top Gun. The guy who sits in the second seat and does all the navigation and weapons systems.) Neither of us knew what to say. He had spent four years enlisted in the Marines before coming here to school, and we always thought he would go back to the Marines, no questions asked. Needless to say, this was a complete and total shock.

That was the first real day where everything started to go downhill.

As the semester came to o close, and there was no word on a change in service assignment, finals of course rolled around. My fiancee and I parted ways as we went to spend the holidays with our families. I made it almost all the way through the break without major incident. Then about a week before I had to return to school, I recieved a call saying that I had completely bombed two of my finals, and therefore had to retake the classes. With my already full schedule, it means that I have to retake Probability and Statistics in the summer, and since Electrical Engineering is a two part class only offered during the actual academic year, I have to repeat it this semester, and take part two this fall. Ordinarily, this would be bad, but not catasptophic. But since I am in my Firstie (read, Senior) year, I will not be graduating in May with the rest of my classmates. I will not graduate until December. Which in turn means I have had to postpone my wedding until I -don't-know-when.

These past three months have been a lot of time spent trying to get all my grades in control so I will be in good standing at the end of the semester. But things have been steadily improving.

When we returned to school, my finacee found out that he has transferred from Navy to Marine NFO, so he is going back to the Marines! Yay!
That was incredibly good news. Next, I got an awesome new professor for EE, and it is going much better this time around. And (hopefully) there won't be any more earth-shattering news to distract me from studying for finals this May. My friends here have been unbelievably supportive of me, which has helped a lot.

In February, all SWOs (yours truly included!) got to pick out homeports and ships. I was pretty far down the pecking order because of my grades last semester, so my first choice homeport was gone by the time it was my turn to pick. But my second choice still had lots of options, and my first choice ship was still available! So come January after I finally graduate, I will be reporting to Norfolk, VA to an awesome Destroyer! I don't want to say which one here, since I can't give too much information in one place. But it's really new; she has only been commissioned for about seven years and does a lot of her deployments in the Mediterranean! Woo-hoo! I really cannot wait to go.

My relationship with my fiancee was only gotten stronger through all of this, which I am so grateful for. End of long story. ::whew::

As far as my dollies go, I have started to return to them recently, and I now remember how much joy they bring me and how much they help to keep my sane. I've redressed the Pullip girls I have out right now, and cleaned the stains my BJDs have gotten from wearing black pants for so long. I plan to keep updating on a regular basis, and hopefully will not disappear for so long again, barring long deployments on a ship with limited internet access.

So, hello, again, to everyone! I've really missed all of this, and I am glad to be back!

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