Curtains, curtains everywhere

Feb 26, 2006 21:49

OK, I got the curtains and holders done. I didn't realize how much nicotine gets into stuff until I saw the rinse water - it was almost black - so needless to say I was totally grossed out and washed them again. My new resolve is to wash them at least once a season, if not more. Anyway, I got 2 sets hung back up, then my neighbor came over, then my son got home, then my neighbor came BACK over because she forgot her purse...this is the first chance I've had to sit down. And I still have 2 sets of curtains to re-hang but it's all good, I can do it tomorrow.

No word again today. I wasn't really expecting there to be and I also was expecting him to bring Dave back today - I KNEW it wouldn't be until tomorrow. Still, a small part of me was hoping that it would be today, or that he would call or something...anything to let me know that he was thinking of me...well obviously he wasn't and more importantly, DOESN' I guess my "out of sight, out of mind" theory is more fact than fiction when it comes to how important I really am to him....which is zero.

Tomorrow morning I have my 2nd couseling appointment. I've done a lot of thinking about what we talked about last time and inasmuch as my parents behaviour may have a lot to do with why I'm the way I am now, it still doesn't explain why I can't walk away and stay away. THAT'S what I need to identify. Hopefully, tomorrow will shed some light on that issue.

Time to finally sit down with my book for a couple hours before lights out.
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