May 20, 2009 10:32
Maybe I have to choose between faith and community -- maybe I can't actually have both.
Or maybe I need to get really secure in my own faith before I go looking for a community of faith, and maybe if I do that I'll know better what kind of community I need, if any.
Maybe I just need to do it on my own and ignore ideas of faith community, at least for now.
There's no point sitting in a pew if I don't believe what the preacher is saying about Jesus.
My therapist suggested (a couple weeks ago) that Trinitarian Christianity is more compatible with my way of looking at the world -- i.e., entertaining multiple viewpoints, allowing for more than one truth and reality at once -- than the pure monotheism of Islam. I get what she means, but part of my problem is seeing multiple perspectives and not being able to choose one. Besides, there's an old Jewish concept, echoed by some Muslims, that God does not "appear" to any two people in exactly the same way.
I don't know. I'm lost.