Why I Just Spent $10.18 At Starbucks

Oct 12, 2007 14:00

I was going to only get a grande coffee and a breakfast wrap but instead I wound up with a venti caramel macchiato, a breakfast wrap, and a piece of chocolate hazelnut coffee cake.

Starbucks therapy.


Beacuse on top of everything else that is stressful in my life, when I called my dad to see how he was doing (because I didn't get to talk to him last night and he's been in the hospital on Wednesday because he was in a lot of pain and they wanted to run some tests) and he told me that the cancer has spread to his brain.


So now they are doing radiation on his brain.


Jesus Christ, that is so fucking scary.

So now my very long "list of things to do this week" has turned into my very long "list of things I can't handle doing this week". I COULD REALLY FUCKING USE THAT PERSONAL DAY NOW.

I'm going to go stuff my face full of Starbucks and continue to be unproductive because it's the only thing I'm good at. Yeah.

cancer, dad, starbucks

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