(no subject)

Apr 30, 2006 06:01

Hai i am a very sad person i suppose. I have i guess developed a sudden case of insomnia and can not sleep. I think those who choose to comefort me and help me on my last post, one so far, a very kind person indeed. Now my problem is of a diferent criteria, I am lonely and bored....which usually exquals a more stressed out me, and that is what i was told was not good for my health in these current states, so i beg of you. any of my friends that are still online, if you wouldn't mind, would you do a Kyou Kara Maou rp with me? I need to realive a bit of stress, and that would help....to you all i have aim, skype, msn, yahoo, and i am working on getting gmail...soo just give me a shout if you would like to. ^____^
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