(no subject)

Jan 07, 2009 17:49

Well it's been pretty dramatic these past few days.

I have done so much moving and cleaning! First moving Karl and Wendy into the new house, then fire rescue cleaning, then rent inspection cleaning for Robot_House.

Not cleaning will be awesome. ^___^

I think everyone's probably pretty up to date with the details of what's been going on, but for those who aren't I'll do a quick recap:

Karl and Wendy moved out of Robot-House on monday, and moved into their new, as yet unnamed abode. After a day of grunting and sweating from all those who helped with the move, we all had a relaxing evening of beer, pizza and aircon.

Unfortunately, sometime during the night their kitchen caught fire! O___O

Luckily Karl and Wendy escaped unharmed, unluckily Wendy's cat Kyoko was closed in the kitchen area. She was on the window sill when she was rescued, which probably saved her life as the window was open, and was her source of fresh clean air. The fire brigade was called, arrived within 5 minutes, and the fire was put out.

Their stove was destroyed, as were some packing boxes full of stuff that was sitting near the stove. Karl lost almost all his DVDs, and a good portion of his books. He lost Cyberpunk roleplaying books, and 1st edition Traveller roleplaying books (the Traveller books are in the process of being replaced, as through divine serendipity, someone Wendy's workmate knows was getting rid of his Traveller books). They lost a lot of kitchen stuff too.

Obviously as happens in these situations, it puts one's life into perspective. We are all so grateful that Karl, Wendy and Kyoko (and Felix, who was in the backyard) are alive and well. Losing so much stuff sucks, having to wait for their kitchen to be repaired and repainted sucks, but that level of gratitude that comes from knowing that the people you love are safe is a treasure. Especially with Kyoko, if that window wasn't open she may not have gotten off so lightly.

So, I went round to provide moral support, and help join the cleanup crew.

FIrst Wendy and I took Kyoko to a friend of hers who works as a vet nurse. She worked her awesome vet nurse magic and got Kyoko's temperature down as she was warmer than she should've been. Although she was seeming calmer, her breathing and heartbeat was still a little fast, and her temperature was starting to rise again. She had soot inside her nose from breathing in the smoke too. The vet nurse said that we should take her to a vet (there wasn't one in at her vet clinic, she was seeing us as a favour) to get her thoroughly checked.

So we took her to another vet clinic, and they checked her out. They wanted to keep her overnight so they could give her fluid if need be, and monitor her breathing and temperature. They said there may be the possibility of an x-ray.

It was so sad seeing her like that, she was all sooty on her white paws and belly, and her eyes were all red from the smoke. :( When I first saw her under the bed she was a bit dopey and unfocused. It was heartwrenching. I am so happy that she is alive and will be well, because it would have only taken a small change in circumstances for it not having a happy ending. I try not to think about that, and focus on the fact that my friends and their pets are safe.

We came back from the vet, and spent the day cleaning up all the soot, and clearing out the charred remains of beloved books and spatulas. The owners of the property came round to have a look, as did the property manager. At first there was fear that they may have to move house (again) to a different rental property that the real estate company are also renting out.

Obviously Karl and Wendy were very shaken up and upset. They were already pretty physically drained from moving house for 12 hours the day before, and neither of them had slept too well the night before because of the new house, and the heat and all that. Moving house is already one of the most stressful things you can do, having that house catch on fire within 8 hours of having moved in was just poop icing on a sawdust cake.

After lots of clean-up, Wendy and Karl went to Wendy's parents house so they could have a break from the emotionally stressful and smoke smelly house. Plus the aircon at her parents place would give them more of a chance to actually get some sleep.

Today was more of the same. Wendy and Felix came back to Robot-House, while Karl went back to Soot-House (still to be properly named... my suggestion is the Fruit-and-Nut House, because they have quite a few fruit trees in the back yard, and are both quite crazy) to orchestrate the horde of contractors who would be traipsing through and inspecting the damage. The roof guys confirmed that the house was safe for them to live in, and wasn't going to collapse or anything, which was a real relief. They were both happy to stay in the place, and not having to move all the stuff again to a new location would be a real blessing.

Wendy and I visited Kyoko at the vet today. They'd like to keep her for another night so that they can monitor her. They said that she seems to have damage in her lungs, which probably isn't surprising; she was in the smokey room for a few hours. She had fluid overnight, and when we saw her she seemed quite alert and happy to see us. She rolled on her back for belly scritches. It was quite distressing watching her trying to groom the soot off her fur, and I hope it doesn't do her any harm. When she gets home, Wendy and I will probably bathe her using wet towels (so its not too traumatic) and try and clean her all up.

Wendy left my house just recently. She's meeting up with Karl, and they will be heading back to her parent's place for another night away from the house. The cleaners and electrician will be doing their thing tomorrow, so that should make the house way more livable.


They say that good things come from hardship, and I have to say that I have seen so much love and generosity come from this.

Karl and Wendy seem to be growing closer from it, and seeing them support and hold each other up is beautiful to see (although sad that they have to);

Wendy's parents are awesome folks who seem to have unlimited energy and generosity, they worked their soot covered butts off and did a great job of cleaning up the kitchen.

So many generous people have stepped forward and offered goods, food or money to help them through, including some people who had never even met them! ;__;

And just generally thank you so much to all the people who have offered themselves, their cars, their time, their cooking skills or anything else to help out. I know that Wendy has been working her butt off to try and thank everyone personally in writing, but in case she has missed you, don't think she isn't utterly grateful, she's just also wiped and frazzled.

If anyone wants to donate, the donation drive is being coordinated by the beautiful Black_Samvara, and more information can be found here

Hmm... that ended up being a not-so-quick-recap, but hey, it's a lot of stuff to fit into a small space. ^___^

Anyways... that's what my week has been so far. Now... back to my rent inspection.
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