
May 01, 2010 16:47

Whooo! I'm finally caught up on schoolwork AND unpacked. So now it's time for MY crazy photo explosion of my new place with Heather and Rachel B. (Even though I ganked a bunch from qotastic anyway. XP)

BUT FIRST. Let's get some real entry stuff out of the way.

-Thursday of last week was "take your kid to work day," and one of the ladies had her son, Connor, come in and rotate around with some people. My workshop was to have him help fold the referral brochures and time sheets that go in when I stuff paychecks, and learn how to work the postage machine. OH SWEET GOD I DON'T KNOW A THING ABOUT CHILDREN WHAT DO I DO WITH A TEN YEAR OLD BOY?! Not only that, but considering the activities I have for him.. it means I have to entertain him with conversation as we fold. D: I suck at that with adults already. So.. anyway.. the day comes and.. and.. I almost wanted to pee myself you guys..

Connor was this adorable, well mannered, young boy with dark, short, spiked up hair and glasses. And you guise.. he-he had a striped button down on WHICH HAD THE SAME COLORS AS HIS BRACES. *_* I asked him a bunch of dumb questions and he proceeded to tell me about about his favorite/least favorite teachers and people (including a bully which had at one point picked him up and held him upside down by his legs D<), some stuff that happened in gym class and then got into HARRY POTTER PUPPET PALS AND CUTE KITTY YOUTUBE VIDS (Oh, I totally introduced him to Perry Grip. qotastic  and leesers  would be proud). And then... and THEN.. it turns out that his favorite subject is ART. And when I ask about whether he just likes it, or if he is planning on doing something with it, he informs me that, no, he actually WANTS TO WORK WITH ANIMALS. Let me repeat, he wants to be a zookeeper. I get to rant about the behind-the-scenes zoo anatomy field trip and the zoo-keeping apprenticeship I took in high school when I thought that's what I was going to do, and then he tells me about his friend Henry who works in the reptile department at the Pittsburgh Zoo and is totally gonna hook him up. AHHHHHHHHH. To quote Brenden's sentiments of the little blond girl in pig-tails dancing around the Hofbrauhaus the other week.. "I want one of those."

-Work has now decided that I will be conducting the interviews which Becky does not have time for. WHUT. I'm petrified and at the same time excited. I'm so not used to being the one in control, I have no clue how I'm supposed to act like I have any authority whatsoever, especially when I know every single one of these people will probably be making more than me XD, but I guess I'll try. And then someone will get hired and be all "What the? You mean to tell me I was first interviewed by a dinky little assistant?" The wolf in me hate this screwing with social order. haha. OH WELL. THATS HOW MY COMPANY WORKS YO.

-As stated in Heather's journal.. our house is part of an old Dairy Farm in which the barn became the Unitarian Universalist Church, the farmhouse became a pre-school, and the milk storage house smacked between them became our tenant quarters. While Heather finds this ironic to her interests... I am STOKED. I adore the church, have been attending for a couple years now, and recently signed the membership book. On top of which.. I've taken the opportunity to actually give a sermon, and it's coming up so so so soon on the 16th. I've been scrambling to piece it all together with the service coordinator's help. Eeeee.... I-I'm such a twit I got so excited to see the announcement for it in the newsletter.

I hope those of you who can will attend. I'm excited, but I know I'm going to be a nervous, shaking wreck just because that's how I always physically react to having attention. Wish me luck. haha.

So anyway, here's the tour of the house according to ME.

Entryway. :D

Ellie is short for Elvira. |3 Ellie and her spider web is hard to see, but you can sort of see the string of her lunches there to the left of the rafter against the green. XD I noticed her while moving boxes the day before we actually moved in and wanted to do something like this. When there was a vicious storm the next night that blew her web apart, but then it was rebuilt in a couple days, I figured she'd be around for awhile.

The preschool gave us a card and this cute plant as a welcome. D'aaaww... ;__;

The mud room you enter the house into. :D Finally set up with beer/cola fridge actually stocked.

What qotastic  left out was this alcove in the doorway. We have decided to switch up it's theme every now and again. MCDRAGONS became the first (along with their captured princess and some DBZ for good measure) because we're GIANT FLAMING NERDS who each already had something to contribute.

The living/dining room. (Also the bedroom for several lovely people across PA and OH and some other places that are welcome to come stay with us!) That coffee table is my favorite and I've had it since my old apartment. I am glad it is getting a littttle use, even if we end up trading that space in for another couch.

My geek-shelf on one of the bookshelves in the living room. With some gifts from various friends such as leesers (BETCHA CANT TELL TWO OF THEM, the orange is qotastic 's.) Also KING FUCKING GATOR courtesy of RB.


qotastic and the rattie's room. Which connects to the laundry room and closet (now with more ORGANIZATION!)

AND THEN. We go up the stairs in the living room to my room.

(with perilously perched snowglobes, RBs crash dummy, and my CANESWORD.)

Every furry needs her guard-dogs. <3

Aaand Werewolf!Van Hellsing creep-a-creeps people from behind as they go up the stairwell. I originally had him as part of the guard dogs, but qotastic suggested putting him here. I love this because it kind of makes the stairs still part of my "den," yet doesn't bother the decor of the living room since you can't see it until you're going back down! Continuing on..

You love my ghetto make-shift bookshelf of Staples copy paper boxes. I know you do.

That gorgeous wall-hanging was made by okami_no_hanyou in art class, who then gave it to me one Christmas. ilu and have been waiting forever to have somewhere to put it up. <3 Also... you see that quilt on my bed. YOU SEE THAT GORGEOUSNESS AND INTRICATE-NESS? That was made by qotastic 's mom. We all got one when we graduated high school, and mine hasn't left any bed I've had since.

I totally intend to hang some wall scrolls in the bigger blank spots on the walls, and use the perfectly-sized angled ceiling corners to put up anime prints. I have to wait to see what other ones I gather before I start though, so they can be placed in appropriate spots. (Sailor Mercury goes near the computer DUH!) EXCEPT.. this one which I just HAD to put up so conveniently right across from my bed.

Ceiling Phoenix watches me masturbate. AWWW YEAH.

And finally we have RB's room, complete with pet crawdad. I-I very much enjoy her. We believe she's female at least, and as such RB has decided to name her "Titania" from Midsummer Night's Dream. Though she be but little, she is fierce! I get such a kick out of that.

So. Phew. Yeah! I hope you enjoyed your tour, and come visit sometime! ;D
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