So... it's been forever since I've posted anything...

Apr 25, 2013 22:10

...And the new layout for posting does not make me eager to use it... >_>

But I wanted to come and just post about whatever.

I have been writing, I promise! IDK that anyone out there really cares that I've been writing, but I have been. Nearly every day I write something, but I haven't managed to finish anything. I've got a J2 fic that I wrote, I'm planning on posting it in the next week. It's been "done" for a while, but it's going through a rewrite to expand it because I don't feel like it's really done yet.

Still working, slowly, on my Cinderella!Sam/Gabriel au fic. I found all of my chapter notes on it a couple weeks ago when going through my papers for my Novel Writing Class. I thought I'd lost them forever, so I nearly squeaked when I found them in class.

Realized in the last two weeks that I lost my Original Fiction story I'd been working on since the start of high school. I'd still been working on it up to the first semester of my Novel Writing Class last year. But my external harddrive got corrupted, then my laptop died. I hadn't had it backed up on anything else, and the e-mail I sent of it to a friend was so long ago that it's since been gotten rid of. *cries* I'm actually working on a rewrite from scratch and the first chapter is better than my original first chapter, but I know there are things I'll forget. 80/90 pages of work, just gone. :(

Some good news (imo), I found some old bunnies I'd planned on writing today. I was going through one of my old journal/notebooks. I found my original scenes from my Belle!Sam/Beast!Gabriel fic in there, as well as chapters of Mystery Spot Misunderstanding (omg, so long ago). But there were also two pages of bunnies for Sam/Gabriel, Jared/Jensen, and even one Superwho fic... I am pretty excited to start working on them, but I've got these other things I would like to finish first, you know?

There's a first time Sam/Gabriel fic with outsider!Sam I was working on around May of last year... It's reached ~6k words and then I just got stuck. I really like what I've written so far, but I need to figure out how to get them together and decide how I want to end it...

Another fic is a first time Sam/Gabriel with Sam having been split into two Sams: confident!Sam and insecure!Sam. I've gotten...~5k words of it written. I know how it ends. I know how I want to get there. But every time I open up the doc to work on it, I'm unable to figure out exactly how to make it work. I'm stuck on just how to create the confrontation that I know I need between the characters. >.<

Oh, and to my shame, I have been writing a fiction in a completely different fandom. I have about 45-50 pages (teeny pages in my little True Blood notebook I got at Comic Con last year) of HP re-sorting fic written. IDEK what I'm doing with it. I just know that I got the idea for it sometime last year or so and have been writing it in short little spurts over the last couple months. I actually really like what I've written so far, but I feel so bad that I've gotten so much more written for that than any of my OTP. ;_;

I've been tempted to just post what's written and hoping that any comments I get will motivate me to get them done. But I did the WIP-posting thing with Mystery Spot Misunderstanding. Getting so many comments was amazing, but I hate keeping readers waiting for so long in between, especially w/ no guarantee that it will get finished for a really long time.

So yeah, there's a bit of an update for anyone who is interested. :D


~ Willow

writing, rl, randomness, fanfiction, ramblings, fanfiction news

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