I live~! I haven't been able to take nearly as many photos as I would like, but I am just under twenty dollars away from making back badge and table fees! Joy! Excitement! My skills aren't quite as rad as the other people's stuff in the alley, and I might not be up to the latest trends with my prints, or even have many prints at all but I have been
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My brain has been completely wiped out by the sheer awesomeness that was this week (and the heat). Anime Expo kicked butt, Disneyland the day after AX kicked butt, saw Pirates yesterday, and that kicked butt...but the beach today just ended up kicking my butt. *sadface and aloe vera everywhere
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I'm going to do it! There is no way I can possibly screw it up this time! I am honestly, really and truely going as hs!Zetsu to Anime Expo this weekend
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Hokai, hokai, so I should've posted these forever ago, but I = teh dork, and never got around to taking pics of the scars on my hand. So! I did that just now, with my camera, which isn't as spiffy as mom's camera, but it's my baby. Anyways.
So Kimbie-chu and Alex come along and kidnap me off to the local aquarium, which was awesome funtimes. They were sent out to redesign a location to make it more efficient and more informative by their biology teacher. (But they thought of me and decided to take me along too
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So I go to the surgeon today, he pokes at my had a bit and asks me questions, then, when it's all said and done he tells me it looks awesome, and if I have any problems with it in a year, come back and see him then
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Because...yeah, I finally got all the pics of my fleshwounds from mom, so for the people who wanna see the super repetetive-seeming pictures from the last week (or just want photos on healing progression or something), here you go.