If friendships are made up of interactions between people over time...

Jun 02, 2009 21:32

If friendships are made up of interactions between people over time...

Then how do you bridge the gap our modern society forces on people. It seems to me our modern world is made to keep people separate and in little boxes. The cues I read in the world around me is that it's abnormal to want to get to know people and make new friends out side of the singles scene. Maybe I'm getting old, but that's not how I want to live. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Seriously, why should we live in little boxes isolated from those around us. It's not natural, and it's not healthy. I may be a mad person, but I ask where has out humanity gone? is it really meant to be sterilized and rubber stamped into nearly identical molds, packaged up and be interchangeable parts in our machines?
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