Crackfic war with lxlamyblacklxl Round 2!

Nov 23, 2010 21:57

 Prompt: two guys find pudding, bubblegum, bird seed and a screwed up robot.

  The Radioactive sun beat down upon the open plains it burned his face and stung his eyes even through his protective glasses. The year was 2019 and Zone 6 was getting the s**t beat out if by heavy acid winds. The furthest and most isolated of the zones it bore the brunt of the buildup of harmful chemicals and radiation spewed into the atmosphere after the war. It was also the least controlled by Better Living industries, not that Bl/ind® didn’t still have a pretty firm grip on it. They still had it monitored even if the cameras weren’t checked as frequently as in the inner zones that was why he’d gone out in this hell to try and hide the car not that there was much to hide it with since only shrubs could grow on this barren wasteland. Finally he was able to find a dune big enough to give it at least some protection from prying eyes. He hurried to get back to the little shack they’d found, he was convinced that half the skin would peel of his face before he got back. The bandana he’d wrapped around his face didn’t do much except filter out the dust from the air, didn’t do s**t to block the sun’s rays. He should’ve jacked Jet Star’s or Kobra Kid’s helmets that might’ve done some good. He pushed the board aside and slipped into their temporary hide out.
“Cow mówi *Bzzzt*  jeść kurczaka *Bzzzt* nie wołowiny”

“The hell was that and is that bubblegum?”

“Yup,” Answered Fun Ghoul his lips smacking, “Found a big pile of it in the corner.”

“And you ate it? Jesus! Who knows how long that s**t’s been here. If you keel over we’ll know what did it.”


“Ahh! S**t that scared me! What the hell’s with that thing?”

“Dunno if you’re hungry there’s also a big vat of pudding back there. Although I wouldn’t touch the stuff it’s practically solidified. Jet and Kobra are debating whether to eat it or not right now.”

“I wouldn’t we’ve still got some solid left. Bubble gum and pudding just what kinda place was this?”

“Die Kuh *Bzzt*  sagt Essen Huhn *Bzzt*nicht rindfleisch”

“There’s also a giant bag of bird seed. Which is kinda retarded if ya think about it cause all the birds are dead.”

“*Bzzt* La vache, explique mange *Bzzt*  pas de viande de poulet”

Suddenly Kobra Kid burst in from one of the back rooms “Guys! Draculoids! A whole f’n horde of ‘em!”

Fun Ghoul glanced to the corner “You thinkin what I’m thinkin. Who gives a damn if we lose the war?”

A demonic grin spread across his face. “Oh yeah, salute the dead and lead the fight.”

The explosion rivaled the one's of the atomic bombs.

The Draculoids didn’t know what hit ‘em.

“Damn, we shoulda kept that s**t and ditched the ray guns.” Whistled Jet Star.

“Yeah.” Agreed Fun Ghoul, “Too bad we blew up the robot it kinda grew on me.”

Suddenly something fell from the sky and thudded to the ground at their feet.

“*Bzzt* ويقول البقرة أكل الدجاج لا لحوم البقر *Bzzt*

“Well whatda you know looks like our lucks changing.”

A/N: I cheated and doubled the number of characters.  Anyway next prompt.... Cacti, fat kids, and mexican kittys not neccesarily in that order.

P.S.: the robots saying "the cow says eat chicken not beef"


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