prompt: eragon is walking in the forest at 3 oclock am and meets (insert character from a completely different story/anime/manga/tv/whatever).
Setting: the very begining when Eragon is going hunting.
The sun had sank below the horizon hours ago and the stars shone brightly in the sky like precious glittering diamonds suspended in a black isotonic liquid (Because if it was Hypotonic they'd swell and burst, and if it was hypertonic they'd shrink and shrivel and there'd be no way we could see their radiance from light years away duh! didn't you take biology?). The soft moss the covered the forest floor barely made a sound as the hunters gracefull feet slide over the ground like a prowlying cat. Bowstring drawn taunt and he took carefull aim at the supple hide of the deer as it bounded gracefully through the woodlands when all of a sudden...
"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" the gracefull shriek of a fair maiden, pleasing and chatastrophic all in one smooth blow to the ear drums.
His arrow flew through the air it deadly point buried harmlyless in the bark of an ancient oak tree.
"Who's there?" he called into the darkness of night "And's who's Romeo?"
"What man art thou, that, thus bescreened in night so stublest on my counsel?" the fair voice of an angel with broncites
"Counsel? And I'll have you know I don't stumble I'm very cordinated...sometimes!" he swung around wildly looking for the sound of the voice before he found him self face to face with the incarnation of perfection...well until she spoke.
"You're not Romeo...Say...wana make out? You should put on some tights. I love tights. Dig them!~"
A.N.: we watched the movie romeo and juilet in english and let me tell you I have never been more gratefull for the evolution of pants.
Your turn hmm...Jack Sparrow and his drinking buddies be they from another book, tv, ect, real, fictional, extreterestrial
Ps. my spelling sucks but I'm too lazy to fix..