Dec 15, 2010 09:04
I leave in a week. One Week. Seven Days, 168 hours, 100080 minutes. I am nervous.
I have never been nervous like this before traveling. Maybe it is because it is SO close to Christmas and I am feeling stressed with both things happen at once. I have gifts for almost everyone in my family. A lot of Friends are going to need to wait until I get back from France for your gift.
I am so tired. I want to start packing and getting things ready but it is too early. Just a few more days. I need to start packing and get one or two more gifts. I also need to get the reimbursement from people.
2010 a year in retrospective
In 2010 I graduated from college, Cum Laudi No less, I not sure if anyone expected that to be honest. I came a long way in 2 years.
In 2010 I went all over Europe with my mother. I got a head injury in Prage and got some sexy shoes and a cute dress in Milan, traveled around Paris and Aix and hung out in Vienna
In 2010 I posted to LJ 242 times.
In 2010 I performed on the Main Stage with Hubba Hubba, got closer with the other performers and have been making a name for myself. I have never felt a high like that main stage show, I performed alot of other places and had a webiste made.
In 2010 I tried internet Dating for the first time and I met the man who is now my boyfriend
In 2010 I went to Israel with Jason and saw int he red sea and saw the planes of Armageddon and Mesada and had the worst flying expierence of my life.
In 2010 I worked a job I hated and learned about when to quit a job...even if I didn't actually quit it.
In 2010 I went (will go) to Lyon with the man I met on the internet 6 months ago.
In 2010 I cried alot, worried alot, panicked alot.
In 2010 I stop going to therapy and was considered "fully recovered"
In 2010 I missed my therapist alot.
In 2010 I tried for something I wanted and failed. But I am going to try again.
In 2010 I showed I can work hard at anything, including applying for job.
In 2010 I learned to stand up for myself, I started telling some people when they piss me off. I stopped taking their crap.
Wow...What a year....