stuff, thoughts and "things"

Apr 18, 2009 12:53

Well it has been a while since my last post so let me see if I can break all this down in to the proper "chunks"

Ok so first and foremost School:
I was really stressed out trying to deal with some school stuff, mainly stuff about next semester, and if i will be able to graduate on time, which has been my goal since day one.  well I wrote out all my questions and met with my adviser and it actually helped alot so i have a game plan and don;t feel nearly as rushed as i did before and can register for classes with out any stress and still have a light load my spring semester of my senior year so i won't go crazy and DIE!!!

It looks like next semester i will be taking Company (a year long class I do instead of a thesis), French, Theology (a jewish studies class) and Phsycology.

So I guess this leads in the talk about therapy:
I am still getting stressed by school and I have realized I will always be stress by it and I am just not well adjusted for the academic life style (this is after much talk with my therapist).  I wonder if it would have been more benificial to do group when I was in school but i don't know if I ever would have been able to go back to school with out group so who knows.  Alison is starting to get on my ass about using my skill alot more during these stressful moments which Kinda sucks since we picked open a very old wound that has been feeling fresh alot lately and that kinda sucks since I just want to get it over with... Oh well, I have lived with it for 4 or 5 years, I guess a few months can't hurt...

One questions for everyone: if you could kill someone (your choice) and KNOW you would never get caught, would you?  I would, I know exactly who it would be and I would sleep just fine if not better at night.  I wonder if that makes me a bad person but seeing how they would deserve it (that is a story for another time) I don't think so.

OK so moving on to social:
I went to Hubba Hubba again last night and it was awesome.  I will say I will never in my life understand the appeal of Mosh Pitts.  Would anyone care to explain?  I am seriously in Love with Hubba Hubba and am TOTALLY going back next month for the next show.  The girls are wonderful to watch and just the sheer variety of people.  I think i have a girl crush on Miss Bunny Pistol and Queen Kellita.  everything about them was amazing, the costumes, the dances and they seemed to just be so happy doing what they were doing.  I really like going there. Next time though...EARPLUGS...might be why I have a headach...(Not a hang over I did not drink a drop of alcohol).

Ok now for my weekend and up coming crazyness:
Today i am running errands (depositing my tax refund etc) and doing some homework.  Going out to dinner tonight with a friend. 
Tomorrow I have rehearsals for Stacy's Senior project.
Lots of working coming up and the company gala so I will be very busy.

Love you all

school, fun, life, schedual, hubba hubba, therapy

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