
Jan 08, 2009 18:54

Lets say you have a friend; we will call her Jane (guys in this situation change all the shes to hes etc and call the friend John).  We are friend with Jane and her boyfriend John.  You have dinner with them, invite them to things, and joke around as friends do.  But Jane keeps doing little things that make you think and feel she doesn’t value your friendship.  For example, you give her a lot of rides and she seems to keep ditching you for another group of friends and you never get and invite to their parties; and in fact are lucky enough if she tells you she doesn’t need a ride home and you usually have to hunt for her for like 20 minutes.  Or in another case, you invite her to an event and she meets a friend of yours and then is hanging out with then all the time, and never inviting you to join them.

Finally, One time her boyfriend tell you that Jane told him a lie about you and your personal life, that you are in to sex play that you are SO not in to.  He then has you promise that you will not tell her he said this.  So you hold on to it, like you held on to all the other things, never mentioning it to Jane.  But finally it just get to a point you can’t stand.  You hate feeling taken advantage of and just want to scream: “I’M NOT YOUR BITCH, BITCH!!!!!” but don’t know what to do because you will be betraying John if you say this to Jane.

What do you do?  For some reason you want to keep a relationship with this person even though they really haven’t acted like much of a friend in your eyes and feelings.  You just can’t bring yourself to just say fuck it and leave them be.  Because, also, if you do, you want to tell them why you are no longer allowing them in your life, because you feel that is only fair.

What do you do…..

friends, lies

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