A weekend in Review

Nov 19, 2008 10:49

Yet another crazy busy weekend, I feel like Friday was so long ago, maybe because it was my craziest day for me.

Friday: I drove to the office to get Kelli then we went to the warehouse where I basically pack up everything and got it all set to be loaded on to the truck today.  We then came back to the office and had a meeting over lunch to figure out our schedules for the run of the X-mas show.  I will be able to come to dickens to play with you all and I will still be able to do my play.  Yeah!!!  But then I had to drive back to school to turn in a paper (I skipped my class in favor of lunch with her), then I dropped the car off at home to then take the bus back to the office for a meeting, then I took the busy home to change, get the car and then drive to a dance show at YBCA.  I should have planned the day better.  The Dance show Sucked ass.  I am so tiered of these shows talking about how everything is the fault of white people.  I will keep from ranting too much since I am sure it will start a debate I am not in the mood for.  Friday night I had a really weird dream that I was at Dickens in a towel at the adventurers club watching Poe and Raymond (Who the fuck do you play again) having a debate but it was in black and white and they were moving in slow motion.  I was trying to get attention from someone standing there in my towel with wet hair and some guy with a gun show up and shoots me 7 times in the chest and no one notices me dieing.  Yeah…

Saturday I woke up and got the wax I was well over due for.  I love going and getting peeled.  Just getting the dead skin off makes me feel so nice.  After that I came home and Jason and I started our project.  We are cleaning out the basement for my Momma as an X-mas gift.  We got A LOT out of there and most of it is being donated to charity, a few things are being sold.  We have a VERY old victorla record player thing we want to get appraised.  Once I get a price I will take picture and see if anyone wants it here.  We are NOT shipping it so if you want it you have to come get it.  Or we are selling it to the antique shop.  Next weekend we take a lot of stuff to the donation center and the weekend after that, the Dump.  After that I went to hang out with friend and then went to Rocky,  this weekend was MUCH better for me that last one,  just in terms of my dancing.  I did screw up twice on the lights, but once again I just have to work harder.  Pure and simple.  And major props to Toby for the new lights cues.  Now Matt and I will actually be thinking that same thing.  Woot!  After the show I had an adventure trying to find food in ghetto ass Oakland but it all turn out ok and I got my bacon so no one died.  I had another WEIRD dream Saturday night.  I dreamt Marc PROPOSED!!  Yeah, WTF?!?!  And the ring?  It look like your typical engagement ring but with a skull instead of a diamond.  Yeah, WTFsquared!?!?!?!

Sunday I had tea with Risa, and a lot of other people at the Secret Garden tea shop.  It was SOOOO much fun and then we went to this awesome Japanese spa/bath house where I got all steamed and clean and scrubbed.  I am wondering if my skin has gotten better right now because of that.  I have been having the worst skin issues these days.  I actually decided to try proactive on the advice so some of my rocky friend and dance friends.  After the spa I went home and relaxed and had a head attack when my stage manager called wondering why I wasn’t in rehearsal and then called again say he was sorry I wasn’t supposed to be there.  I had yet another weird dream and I know rocky people are in it that night but I don’t remember it.

Monday was just the usual but I fucked up my rehearsal times and that fucked up my day.  I am struggling with my character a lot and it is hard because everyone has their own way of finding or playing a character but like skin creams, things work different for everyone.  I am getting better and my rehearsals on Tuesday improved me a lot I am just so scared my director is regretting casting me.  I am trying, but my character is MUCH harder then the others.  She is 60 and regal/matriarchal and motherly but stern bordering on cold; a hard thing for someone in their 20s to pull off.  It is just hard because my actor friends keep giving me advice I can’t use or I feel don’t really listen to what I am saying and my non-actor friend just pain don’t get it.  I had yet ANOTHER weird dream Monday night…I swear to god I am going nuts

Tuesday I had dinner with Teddy and went to rehearsals.  As I said things got better but I am still struggling (I have had 2 rehearsals and they are hard fucking scenes) and YET another weird fucking dream.  This one had SOMETHING to do with a Clockwork Orange.  I recently finished the movie and I was Alex but I was watching him and I was running and scared and I donno.  My friend Seren blames the full moon.

Today I have a busy day of work and school and therapy.  For some reason I was retarded enough to agree to do family therapy with my parents and I am scared.  I am sure it is for the best but I am the one who goes home with the doggy bag of left over emotions and has to sit in the car with my parents knowing they love me less because now they know the truth…

Tomorrow: Taking my shoes in to the cobbler finally!!!  I have 2 pairs, maybe 4 that needs new heals, 1 that needs the calfs stretched (Can you stretch leather?  I heard yes).

Friday: Dinner with Uncle Donald and Aunt Dorothy and maybe CPT rehearsal depending on what happens

Saturday: More cleaning, seeing Marc, Rocky

Sunday: Homework and sleep and rehearsals

Miss you all, Call me

Oh, and I will probably be at dickens the first Saturday (need toc heck on rehearsals), I am not sure if I will buy a fair-ever pass or just get tickets, can someone spare one for me?
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Put your best foot forward this week, even if you feel it might take more effort than you're willing to give. Your hard work will pay off in a big way with validation from those around you, so think about what you might be able to deliver that will best serve their needs. Try to fit in a short vacation with a loved one this week if possible-even a couple of hours away from your normal routines would be helpful. The new environment will make both of you feel fresh and more enthusiastic about returning to the daily grind. A misunderstanding at work could derail a project if you don't correct it as soon as possible, so make sure to keep communication straight with all of your associates.

Excellent - Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn
Good - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Fair - Virgo, Pisces

dreams, horoscope, therapy, weekend, friends, theater, rocky, schedual, work, family

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