Update, Horescope, and 2 memes

Jul 30, 2008 11:43

So yesterday was both good and bad; it was good because I was got a decent amount done at work and I had fun: I got some new makeup at the MAC store and I learned some new tricks to putting it on.  It was fun to splurge on myself since I have been feeling a little ugly lately.  The girl at the store was cute and it is funny since I was like “I want something maybe over the top” and when I showed my mom she said “that is subtle for you”.  Giggle…

Therapy went well, it was good and bad, good because it was the first time I felt that me and Dr. E REALLY connected, and bad because Dr. Alison is coming back and I am not sure who I want to see.  I think it will really just come down to scheduling.  I just started to connect with Dr. E, so I am unsure if I want to start over with Dr. Alison but she and I connect FAST .  Who knows… I am also considering….GULP, FAIMLY THERAPY!!!!  I am scared but I think it might be fore the best because I have some things I think we need someone else in the room to moderate and keep us focused.

I am working today and just going home and getting a new personal organizer and updating it tonight.  Soon I will have to do my fav thing in the world and go shopping for SCHOOL SUPPLIES!!!!!!!!!!  WOOT!!! PENS!!!!  Sorry I am being a dork.  Umm what else…

Rocky this weekend, still not sure about the Picnic as I have no dress.  But we will see.  Seeing Marc tomorrow, might go to a Hookah Bar.  Umm yeah.  Might see my wife today.  Happy Me!!!!

Aries (March 21-April 19)
Your consideration and willingness to help others are some of the best things about your personality, but you need to make sure that you look out for number one as well. This week, it's easy to get pulled into playing counselor for a loved one. By all means, help that person, but make sure to retain some energy for yourself. It's not in your nature to resist, but you need to politely let that person know that you can't be their only pillar. It's a good week for you at work, where the results of your long-term projects are finally visible. You're used to wheeling and dealing in concepts rather than objects, so having something tangible to work with turns out to be a great blessing for you.

Excellent - Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces
Good - Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Fair - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

[1] If you married the last person you kissed what would your last name be?
Hmmm, depends on what you mean by Kiss, if it is in any sort of romantic way then my name would stay the same (take that however you want perverts!!).  But I know I kissed my Best Friend recently so then it would be Selig.

[2] What did you do this afternoon?
it is 9AM, but yesterday I worked, got training, texted people and went to therapy

[3] Whats the last thing to make you laugh?
Joel’s Blog of the muppets http://spurious-logic.livejournal.com/349139.html#cutid1

[4] Can you take a bra off with one hand?
Ummm, I don’t know, never tried

[5] Can you use chopsticks?
Yes but I usually just use a fork.  I am white.

[6] How old were you when you lost your first tooth?
I forgot but I lost it biting in to a pickle

[7] Were you a hyper or mellow kid?
I wanted attention from everyone.  I wanted to be loved by everyone.  Not much has changed

[8] What did you do yesterday?
went to work, realized I forgot my keys, went for coffee, check messages, got training, spoke with patrons, took the bus to therapy, bought some new makeup and learned new ways of doing said makeup, talked to dad, watched Happy Feet, talked on the phone a lot and ranted about my skin.

[9] What's for dinner?
What ever Daddy is cooking, or a bowl or cereal

[10] Ever been to the Statue of Liberty?
not exactly

[11] Do you HAVE to have brand name stuff?
The only “Band Name” stuff I am pick about is my makeup and I just prefer mac because it work with my know REALLY well and I LOVE the people who work there

[12] Last time you washed your hair?
Yesterday morning

[13] Is the last person you kissed attractive?
Not sure who that was but I will go with a yes

[14] Do you like Oreos?
yes in moderation

[15] Do you send out Thank-You cards?
Yes I do.  I am pretty good about it thanks to Moma.

[15] Can you ice skate?
Not in the slightest

[16] Do you have a brother?
Yes I do.

[17] Do you know how to change a diaper?
No I don’t

[18] 1Do you flip people off while driving?
When I am sure they don’t see me

[19] Do you like to grocery shop?
I guess.  Mostly for a special even

[20] What kind of mood are you in?
Productive.  This is my best time of the day

[21] Last time you cleaned?
I am slowly cleaning right now.  I need to do a serious over haul of my room, get rode of STUFF, please help me!!!!

[22] What pills do you take daily, and what do they do?
Birth control, iron, kinda self explanitory

23] Do you like anyone?

[24] Do you do your own laundry?
Sometimes, since I live at home we to everyone’s laundry together, but sometimes I sneak it in so the cleaning lady does it (she is not supposed to do my stuff unless I ask and well, clean my room…most just get all stuff off the floor)

[25] Single or Taken?

[26] Baths or showers?
Showers, 2 a day, but I am trying to cut down

[27] Do you take out the trash?
Not really…

[28] What are you doing this weekend?
Umm, Going to chill with a friend, Rocky, Cleaning, laundry

[29] Are you getting engaged anytime soon?
I some how doubt it

[30] What did you do last Saturday night?
Watched immortal Beloved with the fam

[31] What are you thinking about right now?
That I should be working but I like doing this

[32] Which one of your friends is going to have the cutest baby?
I don’t know or care, maybe Ashley cuz she is the only friend I can see having a baby in the near ish future (you know, 7 years down the road here)

[33] What was the last thing drank?
coffee that I think might be bad

[34] Wearing any bracelets?
my wrists are to thin

[35] What are you going to do now?
write more blog stuff, work, maybe grab a bit soon.

You must answer yes or no.
You may not explain unless someone asks.

1 Taken a picture naked? Yes
2. Made money illegally? Yes...
3. Had a one night stand? Yes
4. Been in a fist fight? Yes
5. Slept with your best friend? Yes
6. Had sex in a public place? Yes
7. Ditched work to have sex? Yes
8. Slept with a member of the same sex? Yes
9. Seen someone die? No.
10. Ran from the police? No
11. Woke up somewhere and not remember how you got there? Yes
12. Worn your partners unmentionables? Yes
13. Fallen asleep at work? Yes
14. Used toys in the bedroom? Yes
15. Ran a red light? Yes
16. Been fired? No
17. Been in a car accident? No
18. Pole danced or done a striptease? Yes
19. Loved someone you shouldn't? Yes
20. Sang karaoke? No
21. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes
22. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? No
23. Caught someone having sex? Yes
24. Kissed a perfect stranger? Yes
25. Shaved your partner? No
26. Given your private parts a nickname? No
27. Ever gone in public without underwear? Yes
28. Had sex on a roof top? No
29. Played chicken? No
30. Mooned/flashed someone? Yes
31. Do you sleep naked? Yes
32. Blacked out from drinking? Yes
33. Felt like killing someone? Yes
34. Had sex more than 5 times in one day? Yes
35. Been with someone because they were in a band? No
36. Taken 10 shots of liquor in a day? Yes
37. Shot a gun? Yes
38. Gone outside naked? Yes

family, horoscope, my wife, therapy, meme, update

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