Black Rose

Sep 30, 2008 14:43

Title:  Black Rose
Pairing:  Ryan/Eric
Rating:  Rated NC-17 to be safe
Disclaimer:  I do not own CSI Miami. ~sigh~
Warning: Hints of Ryan/Eric, some Angst. *whispers* Character Death.
Summary:  He loved Ryan. Really loved him. And that was why he was speechless, unable to explain the feelings currently raging deep inside of him.
A/N:  Please be so kind and excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes as this isn't beta-ed and english isn't my native. Thanks! ^^

This short fic is dedicated to alligator138   I know it's a little late but Happy Birthday! :) (Actually I posted this one-shot a few days after your birthday on my lj.. but so far I didn't have time to post it here too)  Umm.. I tried writing something happy but it just wouldn't come, so I hope you won't mind if this fic is a little bit.. depressing?

Black Rose - Beautiful but dead

The light was dim and bleak, casting the room in an eerie glow that took all your hopes away. In here it was cold, too cold for someone like Ryan.

Eric let his gaze roam over his lovers naked body, smiling at the small crease between Ryan's brow that came from frowning too much.

Ryan's eye-lids were closed and Eric was reminded of drapes that shut out the day-light in the morning so you could linger a little longer in the world of dreams, enjoying one pleasant memory or another.

A pity that he couldn't gaze into the beautiful eyes of his lover right now. He remembered the intensity of these hazel-green eyes, curiously following him wherever Eric went. The image of these eyes was still hunting him each minute of the day. Hell these eyes were even hunting him at night.

Eric's fingers gently tried to smooth out the crease between Ryan's brow, intending to erase the frown that was no longer there. He loved that little frown of Ryan.

And he loved the smile his lover gave him whenever he reproved Ryan for that frown, telling him that he would get a crease if he frowned too much. Eric chuckled. He had told him but Ryan never listened. Now it was too late. Ryan already had a crease, now he could have frowned as much as he wanted to.

Starting to trace patterns on the young CSI's shoulder he allowed his finger to wander over Ryan's side down to one delicate hipbone. He remembered that his skin was slightly lighter there than the rest of his body, but now he was just pale. Pale. Pale. Pale. A pale beauty resting on the bare metal table in a chilly room. The thought of how could the steel must be against the naked skin of Ryan's back caused a shudder to run down his spine.

Ryan hated the cold.

Another chuckle wrenched itself from Eric's throat. 'Funny', he thought. Ryan was from Boston and he hated the cold. Was that the reason why he came to Miami in the first place?

Eric took his lover's left hand, closing his eyes with a smile. He still remembered how warm Ryan's hands had been, how soft his touch had been. Whenever Ryan started caressing his body with that hands he had yielded immediately, moaning and writhing beneath his feather-light loving touch.

Oh God, Ryan had punished him with his gentleness. Whenever he wanted him to tighten his grip, Ryan disobeyed with a mischievous smile that was so beautiful Eric wished he would have worn it more often. Eric had begged and whimpered in sweet surrender, promising him the world if he would just touch him and not torture him any longer with that ghosting play of fingers on his skin.

Eric had begged and whimpered and promised until finally, finally Ryan had some mercy with him, directing his touch to the parts of his body that were in really desperate need of attention. It didn't take him long then.

Eric remembered the hot trail Ryan's lips had left on his skin, marking his throat, his chest, his thighs. Ryan's lips had been everywhere and sometimes when Eric had been patient enough he rewarded him with a delicate flicker of his tongue, adding even more fuel to the fire blazing in the Cuban's stomach.

He loved the interplay of Ryan's lips, tongue, and teeth, licking and nibbling and sucking at sensitive places that were so secret Eric hadn't even known they existed. Ryan's mouth was the idea of ultimate perfection. So nimble, so hot, so loving.

No words could describe how much he loved Ryan's body. He loved Ryan's lean frame, the beautiful muscles of his arms and thighs. He loved his chest, the way Ryan always arched up to him to try and get more closeness, more friction. He loved the small birthmark right above Ryan's upper lip that was making him look so damn cute when he smiled. He loved Ryan. Really loved him. And that was why he was speechless, unable to explain the feelings currently raging deep inside of him. Why had it all to end so soon? Ryan had been taken away from him far too early. He wasn't sure if Ryan had known how much Eric loved him. Eric just hoped he did.

Eric bent down, one shaking hand caressing the deathly pale cheek of his lover as he placed a gentle kiss on Ryan's lips. Lingering for a moment, a lone tear slipped out of one corner of his eye when he finally pulled away. This tear was Eric's promise to Ryan. A promise that he would never ever forget him. A promise for everlasting love and that he would remember him each minute, each second of his life until they were reunited in death were he would finally be able to pull Ryan into his embrace again. Until then he had to be patient.

Turning around to look one last time at Ryan who was looking so peaceful lying there on the metal table, he smiled and left the pathology with a heavy sigh, leaving the dead body of his lover behind.

A/N:  I know that the title hasn't much to do with the storyline but I somehow got the idea for this fic while listening to the song 'Black Rose' by the band 'Trapt'. I hope you'll forgive me for killing Ryan in this story, it just.. happened. *hidesinacorner*

fic: black rose, rating: nc-17, author: chavakiah

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