Useful things

Sep 30, 2008 14:29

Title:  Useful things
Rating:  Rated NC-17 to be safe
Disclaimer:  I do not own CSI Miami. ~sigh~
Warning:  Adult themes, Ryan/Eric
A/N:  Please be so kind and excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes since english isn't my native.

Edit:  'Quick'-beta-ed by the wonderful sunhawk. Thank you!

This one-shot is dedicated to  lausi_gm  who has brightened my days with a lot of delicious Ryan-pics that got me drooling and reassured me when I was hopeless. Thank you very much for your kind words. I hope you like this little fic, I've tried really hard to make this enjoyable..

Useful things

Since childhood Ryan had the unique ability to notice things that weren't really of any importance.

Things that anyone didn't really want to know.

Uninteresting things, like that when he was little his mother had always pulled the drapes to the left when she opened the window in his room, although she had pulled the drapes to the right in every other.

The fact that his father hadn't brushed his teeth until he was fully clothed, although he always dirtied his black suit with toothpaste and had to clean it up afterwards.

He had noticed things like that in his school, there was a boy who could only open his locker (it was the twenty-seventh on the right by the way) if he kicked it first. And the cleaning woman always hummed the melody of 'what a beautiful day' in the morning while his teacher always wore red socks.

The older Ryan got, the more dispensable things he noticed. Wherever he went there was at least one unimportant fact he couldn't help but know.

He knew that if you closed your eyes, you could mistake the sound of the coffee machine in the lab's break room for the motor of a tractor in the distance.

He also knew that whenever Eric Delko was nervous, he tried to bring back down his watch to his wrist through shaking.

It was the same unconscious gesture that the Cuban was doing right now but Ryan was nonetheless surprised when they got into the elevator and he found himself being pushed against the wall as soon as the doors had closed behind them.

Before he could even utter a word though, Eric's hot mouth was already on his, teeth grazing on his lower lip until Ryan finally got past his shock and surrendered to the onslaught, returning the Cuban's kisses just as desperately.

Eric's tongue plundered his mouth as soon as the young CSI invited him in and for a moment Ryan was afraid that the Cuban was planning to suck the life out of him. He was just glad that the Cuban had him pinned against the cold metal of the elevator since his knees had turned to jelly the moment their groins came in contact.

The air had rushed out of his lungs at the impact but right now there was nothing else but the feeling of Eric's lips, his hot breath on his skin, and his hardness pressing against Ryan's own while he desperately tried to keep from crying out in pleasure.

Somewhere in the back of his mind a voice reminded him that they were making out in a public elevator and that they could be caught every minute, but his OCD was quickly silenced as Eric lifted him up.

Instinctively Ryan wrapped his legs around the Cuban's lower back, pulling him even closer in an attempt to melt with the other man. Right now it wouldn't even bother him if they were kissing in a dump. Eric was the only thing that mattered right now.

Only Eric's fingers mattered as they crept under his t-shirt, caressing the sensitive skin of his side before they disappeared under the hem of Ryan's jeans.


Yeah.. his fingers really were the only thing that mattered right now.

Ryan gasped.

Eric's chocolate brown eyes lit up with desire at the sound and when he gazed up at the younger CSI, he leaned in again. “You're beautiful.. you know that?”

Ryan couldn't hold back the loud moan that was swelling in his throat as Eric's hot mouth started attacking his neck once again, leaving a burning trail when he nibbled and licked down his throat.

Oh God. He could feel the warmth emanating from Eric's body, wishing that they were naked so he could feel it on his bare skin.

Ryan's fingers buried in the Cuban's black hair, forcing the man to continue his exploration of his utterly sensitive neck as he unconsciously started to rock against the other man.

“You drive me crazy..” Eric's breath ghosted over his skin as he spoke and Ryan closed his eyes in delight. No wonder every woman was falling for this man. The Cuban was hot.

Hot. Ryan whimpered. 'Hot like his body.. hot like his desiring gaze.. hot like the feeling in my gut.. oh god.. I think I'm gonna scorch..'

He arched against the Cuban as Eric pressed back, drowning in the feeling of Eric flush against him as he whispered the older man's name again and again. Suddenly breathing turned out to be quite difficult and with a growl Ryan decided to lounge at the Cuban instead, using the air he had still left for more important things than breathing.

Eric marvelled at the softness of Ryan's skin, loving the scent that was so unique he would be able to recognise his lover in a crowd of thousands of people with closed eyes. He loved Ryan's sensuality as he writhed under his hands, loved the way he moved against him, craving for more proximity and warmth that was so essential for the young man.

Eric couldn't deny that having Ryan all obedient under his hands spiced things up a hell of a lot more. There was this sensitive spot at his jawline right next to his ear that elicited such sweet sounds from the young CSI that all Eric wanted to do was stop the world from spinning and listen to his lover's moans forever.

The first time they had shared a bed together, Eric had immediately fallen in love with Ryan's hands and he still was amazed how these nimble fingers seemed to be able to caress his very heart. Ryan's touch was so.. gentle and loving. His careful yet bold fingers were heaven and hell at the same time, caressing Eric's body as well as tantalising it. It was as if Ryan was too shy to touch but to stubborn to let go. When those soft hands started to explore his body, Eric thought he would lose his mind as he became breathless and mindless and.. simply alive.

With a little bit more force than necessary Ryan brought their lips together once again, stealing the Cuban's breath as he sucked at his lower lip. Pale fingers pulled Eric's shirt out of the tight jeans, starting to map every inch of this delicious caramel skin. He wanted more. More of Eric. More of this feeling that was making his stomach churn and his heart do a somersault. And God.. he wanted more of these kisses..

Though Eric's breathing became heavy, he kissed Ryan back just as furiously, telling the younger man that he was equally desperate to feel his lover's soft skin on his and soon they were on the verge of getting lost in a world without any concern for the things happening around them.

Letting his fingers slip back in Ryan's trousers, Eric mapped every inch of the young man's body, wishing his clothes away. Nibbling playfully at his lover's lips Eric smirked as he pulled away and Ryan whimpered at the sudden loss.

For a moment Eric just stood there watching the younger man as he leaned against the wall with closed eyes, enjoying the moment.

Cute. Ryan was cute, there was no other word for it.

And he looked absolutely delicious when he was aroused like that.

“Let's continue this at home, alright?”, Eric murmured seductively, giving Ryan's ass one last squeeze before he stepped back and out of reach. “We're almost down.”

“No, we're not”, Ryan replied firmly and with lightning speed he reached out, pressing the emergency button.

The light flickered briefly as the elevator came to a stop, then they were engulfed by silence.

“Ryan.. what..-” Eric wasn't able to finish his sentence as the younger CSI suddenly gripped his belt and roughly pulled him back flush against him. Assaulting the older man with such desperate hunger that matched the frustration he had felt at Eric's little power game, he left the Cuban panting as he finally pulled away to frown at him. “I'm not willing to wait that long.. we've got 15 minutes and 35 seconds until the elevator starts moving again. So I suggest you better hurry..”

For a moment Eric looked at him stunned, mouth gaping open once for a loss of what to say.

Then he just smirked in response and dove in for good this time.

Ryan couldn't suppress the grin that fought its way to his lips as Eric immediately started working on unbuckling his belt, all the while nibbling on the younger man's neck in an attempt to save as much time as possible.

He chuckled.


Who would have thought that counting the seconds last time he had gotten stuck in the elevator would pay off that way?

How convenient that he knew quite a lot more insignificant things that would come in handy in situations like this.. right?

“Come on, Eric. 15 minutes..!”

rating: nc-17, fic: useful things, author: chavakiah

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