NCIS:: Keep Quiet CH 15 & 16

Jun 07, 2012 21:10

Chapter 15: KQ 15
KQ 15

BY: Wolfa Moon

Disclaimer: No Own Just an Idea

Five Months Later…

Tony took in the vast open surroundings. It's just a simple rest area. But it is great. Open and free. Cars passing quickly by to miss this simple beauty. Shiloh chasing her boy around. Jet watching them as he gets some food from the truck service. Turning to see another boy come over and play with Tony. Tony looks a little shy but then warms up as they begin to run around. Have fun. Be a little boy.

Jet whistles to get the dogs attention. Which it does. Stopping Tony in mid run to look at Jet. Signing for him to come have lunch. Waving bye to his friend grabbing Shiloh's leash to bring her to heel beside him. Jet opening a newspaper. Laying it out. No word on the incident in Stillwater. No ad in the want section. Sliding Tony's burger and fries toward him.

'No word?' Tony signs. Just as worried about Jackson as Jet is.

'No word.'

'That good or bad?' Jet sighs. Not sure of what to tell Tony. Tony who has shown how far he has come since his early days with them and this journey. Trust. Watching Tony sneak bits of food to Shiloh.

'Stop that, you'll make her sick.' Tony bows his head. Jet leans over to lift his chin to get his attention. He doesn't want Shiloh to starve. Yet he wants Tony to eat and not sacrifice like he has done in his past. Jet pushes a hot dog no bun times two in a server box toward Tony. 'This is hers.' Tony smiles. Taking the hot dog box he sets it down for Shiloh to eat. Having served Shiloh he digs into his food with vigor. Jet smiles at Tony.

Going into his mind he ponders his actions. He wouldn't change any of them. He is protecting his little brother. He had protected his family. Leaning over he ruffles the ever growing youths hair.

They had been on the lamb for a while now. Crossing several states. Seeing several national monuments and some rather fun sideshow locals. Playing cards with people to make some cash. Pool and other forms of gambling. Road racing, dice. It wasn't much of a life but they are living. Tony is free to be the little boy he is suppose to be. Worrying about income like Jet though. One dark night even offering something dark and nightmarish from his past to help. Jet absolutely forbidding it. They are doing this to save him from his past. Tony getting the point. Seeing that they are protecting him. Not wanting to keep him silent.

Yet there is still that shadow that lurks in every dark corner.

But they still had to dream.

KQ 15

Tony knew Jethro's dream. To become a sniper for the US Marines. Wanting to fight and defend his country. Listening to Jet's ideals of the world to protect its citizens. To get away and see far of places. Not be tied down to a single area code.

Not really understanding it. For his dreams are all nightmares. Not a world to fight for. He would only fight for a few people not the whole country which Jet had ideal ideas about. The humanity he experienced made him wary. He just wanted to protect the innocent and his family.

Laying down in the backseat of the car. Listening to the rumble of the engine. His lullaby for rest. Stroking Shiloh he tries to keep the nightmares away from the passing light that filtered out the shadows. What would happen when Jet finally went for his dreams? He couldn't go with him if he signed up. He didn't want to fight. He wanted to defend. Wanted to remain safe. This path though…

Where will it lead?

KQ 15

Jet pulled into a marine base in Kansas as they were passing through. To see about enlisting. Tony remaining quite the whole time. So many big, strong, powerful people here. Jet keeping a firm hold on him as he awed in wonder at the place. The man leading them around.

Jet giving the story he would like to sign up. The man thrilled. Listening half eared as he explained their parents had died and things were getting tight. Wanting to join before all this but has to take care of his little brother. The man amazed at Jet and his strength he already bore. Seeing a great soldier there.

Surprised when they called for a woman who spoke sign to help with Tony. Tony cringing behind Jet. Explaining he's shy. Thing is Tony was terrified. His heart pounding in his ears. So many knew people. Only Jet is safe. They want to take him away. After a brief tour they passed the parking lot. Tony dashed for the car. Dodging marching troops to get to their home for now.

The recruiter whistling at how the boy moved like a footballer. Then rubbing his head as Jet bolted after his young brother. Tony flinging the door open and shutting it. Cowering under the front passenger side dash. Jet coming upon him. Worry filling him. He had paid attention but not enough. Cowering away as if the beaten boy he once was. Tony shivered as Jet lifted him into his lap. Rocking him back and forth. Not caring if the whole base saw him care for his brother.

The recruiter, Lieutenant James Brody, watched this. Looking over to Lieutenant Olivia Dunham who was helping explain to the boy all the fun activities they had here on base. How he would have several friends. Knowing sign for her own child is deaf.

"What happened?" Brody ask observing his new recruit. Dunham looks at him then to them.

"I was telling him about the school and how he would stay in protective care while Jet trained." She shakes her head. "The boy is frightened beyond anything. I feel sorry for them." She wants to help them but only if they allow her. "Where are they staying?"

"They didn't say." This had them both worried. Sure Jet is legal and all. Caring for his brother. A good man. Yet living in a car from place to place. That is not a life. Not knowing where their next meal will come from.

"Wonder if they'll accept lunch in the mess."

"Never knew a boy to refuse food." They smile as they move toward them.

KQ 15

Jet is holding Tony close to him rubbing his back in comfort. Forgetting sometimes that Tony doesn't see the world in the same colors as himself. Feeling free for once as they talk about this and that around base. This is what he always wanted. And to see it and be here. Wow! But then he had to hold the dream back. Tony's nightmares infringing at the edges of his dreams. Closing his eyes to settle his rage at them.

Shiloh licked at her boy fingers. So talented in their speech and love of touch. Nosing at them. Wanting her boy to be safe. Feeling the sick vibe bleed from him. The little hands moving into her fur. Growing bigger in size but still squirming to fit in his lap. To love her boy.

Tony 's hands found her fur holding on tight. Feeling and smelling Jet around him. His home. The car smelling the greatest It has ever been since they had left Stillwater. His only ever other home. Missing Jackson, Shannon, Mrs. Ruth. Feeling Jet kiss him in his growing hair. Stillwater feeling a lifetime ago. A dream within a dream or nightmare. He wasn't sure sometimes. Afraid to wake up and afraid to go to sleep.

A hand lifts his chin so Jet can talk to him.

'What's wrong?' Tony looks around then to Jet.

'Miss dad.' He did too. 'Want to go home.'

KQ 15

Olivia gasped as the little boy signed his sorrows to his brother. Eavesdropping and telling Jim what she saw.

"Jet has a good eye on things to be a great sniper." Jim voices what he has seen so far.

"But he has his brother." He nodded at that understanding her. There lies the conundrum.

"I know. We could get them a family unit."

"You see his true potential." She says with a tone he knows all to well.

"Sorry." Brody is a soldier but a good man. "I know Olive but the kids got potential and his brother too maybe."

"He's deaf."

"Would you let that stop your boy?" she glares at him. He smiles knowing he won there. Moving he heads toward the boys. Olivia following him.

"Hey guys, everything okay?" Jet looks up at them. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

"Yeah, Tony's tired. Thank you for the tour."

"Jet," Brody watches as he turns to settle Tony. Seeing what comes first for the young man. Seeing Tony shrink in on himself. Jet hating that his dreams are doing this. Tony cringing at costing Jet his dream. "Jet," he tries again. Jet making sure Tony is secure closes the door. Turning to face the lieutenants.

"I'm sorry sir, mam. This place is amazing," trying to hold in his excitement at this place. "But I have to think of Tony."

"So are we." Olivia interrupts. "We can keep you on base and in the states till Tony is legal then you can be shipped to wherever." That was a line he wanted on paper. He could have his dream and Tony. They would have a place. They had seen so much. Dreaming of heading home. No ads in the paper since three months back.

Looking for '67 Chevy Impala: Their car/Dear Sons,

Condition: In need of repair. : Man still causing trouble

Engine run. Drivable, safe : keep on road, be safe

Call: 786-9251: : Love you Tony and Jet.

"Let me think on it."


Sorry for the delay. My muse has held me captive in other realms. Working on the next chapter as we speak.

Hope you continue to like and enjoy. Reviews welcome…

Chapter 16: KQ 16
KQ 16

BY: Wolfa Moon


KQ 16

This is no life for a kid. But what choice did they have. There stop in Kansas giving them one.

Then an ad appeared.

Looking '67 Chevy Impala engine. : Dear Jet

Will pay for shipping. Cost not a problem. : Where are you? Want to see.

Call: 214-2452: Love Shannon

Inquirer '67 Chevy Impala engine: Dear Shannon

Call: KAN-BU42: Kansas Bus 42

'67 Chevy Impala

Greyhound shipping.

Call: B42-1415

KQ 16

Bus 42 pulled into Fort Riley greyhound depot at 14:17.

Tony is jumping from foot to foot. After reading the ads over and over. Excitement coursing through him as another familiar face is joining him in this hell. For it was to him. True he had made a couple of acquaintances. It was still a heavy military base. Strong powerful men around. His silent nightmares. No words to Jet. For Jet seemed happy.

Base families trying to hook Jet up with their wanting daughters. Tony appraising them still finding them wanting.

Seeing the red head he ran to her. Shiloh barking beside him.

KQ 16

Tony wanted to scream at Jet sometimes for being so thick. But he can't. There is still that lingering shadow. Heavy and unspoken of. Several times he wanted to talk to Jet as he drove. Fill the silence with something else then whatever radio station they could pick up. But a shadow had come for him snapping him shut as a drum. Wanting and taking still from him.

Tony had looked at himself in the mirror seeing the boy that people saw. Shy, quiet, deaf, a barrel full of monkeys and ghost. Making himself look good.

KQ 16

He ran for her. She bent down to envelope him in her arms. Shiloh barking happily around him. Tony leans into her smelling her. Remembering her scent. Smelling of home. So far away.

She pulls him away to look at him. She had been speaking about how much she missed him. Now actually telling him in sign.

'I missed you.'

'Me too.' He smiles at her taking her hand. Dragging her over to where Jet stood by his car. She smiles warmly at him. He had tried to get away from him. Tried to forget certain things that hurt. Even dating some girls. Chasing one but. There she is.

Her smile filling a room. Hair glowing like fire in the sun. Coming over to him with Tony beside her. Smiling from ear to ear. Hasn't seen Tony this happy in a long time. Sure he had some friends but still.

"Hey Shannon," he smiles.

"Hey you." She can't hold back. She had missed him so much. Jumping into his arms. He hugs her close. Smelling home on her as well. Backing up he opens the front door for her. Tony moves to open the back door and hops in, Shiloh following.

"She has gotten so big." She turns in the seat to pet Shiloh who is licking her hands.

"Shiloh no." she stops licking to sit on the floor with her head in her boys lap.

"Wow," amazed at how quickly the dog is trained.

"You should see her obey Tony." She nods smiling to Tony.

'How have you been Tony?'


'Only ok?'

'Miss dad and home.' She nods. Looking to see Jet watching the conversation in the rearview window. Tony would confide in her things he would not tell Jet.

'I miss you and so does Jack.' He smiles. 'He sent some things with me for you. Both of you.' Tony smiles at this. They had been bestowing upon him gifts ever since he came to them. Jet still finding small things to give to him. Last week it was an old army helmet. Not able to contain what hope of things Jackson made or got for them.

"Thank you Shannon." Thank you for coming. Thank you for making Tony smile. Thank you for just being you.

KQ 16

Driving back on base they make their way past the barracks to the family homes. Living in one of the tinier homes. But it was still not the barracks. Getting out she appraised the house. Finding it quant.

Entering their home Tony takes her showing her things. Mostly the shelves that is full of knickknacks. Travel moments of their trek across the United States. Each with their story. Even how bizarre it looks. How loony tune they can make a rock. Where they can make it snow where it has never touched before.

Then recent items. A collection box of bullet casing, a helmet, ammo case, patches, and some new/old/used toys. She also smiles at the pictures that are up on the mantel. Tourist pictures taken everywhere. Also some Polaroid's of casual moments. Then in the center a base photo of the two. Taken so they have a record of the family.

Tony is signing a mile a minute. She's laughing like crazy. Jet is too. This feels so right. So perfect. Tony is doing some schoolwork while Jet is cooking dinner. Shannon supervising.

"I'm impressed."

"We'll we couldn't live off cereal and fast food for the rest of our lives."

"You could, but there are rules."

"Aren't there always." He flips the pancake over.

"Breakfast as a dinner food though?"

"Hey, if you want to talk about cooking go talk to Tony. He's a real cook."


"Yeah he made this stuffed chicken thing and meatloaf another."

"Where is he learning this?"

"Lieutenant Dunham, her son is deaf. So they have become friends and he learns."

"Soo…O Lt. Dunham?"

"It's not like that. We're friends and she is married. So? Blueberry or raspberry?" she raises an eyebrow.


"Yup, we have bushes outback."


"Yeah. So how's dad?"

"Good at giving the run around. Misses you both dearly. "

"We miss him."

"He knows." She looks over to Tony. "How's school?"

"It's good I think. Not as tough as mine though."

"Anybody giving you trouble?"

"My sergeant said something when I first started cause Tony stopped by to watch. He yelled at Tony to get moving. Turning to me and asking is he stupid. I…"

"You punched him."

"Yup," he flips the pancake.

"What happen?"

"Tony came over to help me out. The sergeant froze as he was about to strike me cause…"

"Tony stepped in front of you."

"Yeah then began to unleash upon the sergeant."

"He hit him?"

"No signed at him like crazy."

"Really?" she eats a raspberry.

"Yeah you've never seen a sergeant stunned before. It is an amazing sight."

"What happened?"

"The sergeant apologized." Her eyes going wide. He nods in shock too. "Yeah, it was weird. But then it all turned out good."

"I'm glad." She stops to look over at Tony then to stare longly at Jet.


"Tony asked how long I'm staying?" Jet wondered that too. Looking down at the pancake

"And?" she slides up behind him.

"How long do you want me to stay?" closing his eyes he relishes in the sensation of her behind him. He had lost a girl he wanted. Lost his home. He has his brother and he still has a hole to fill.

"Forever." She smiles nuzzling into him. He turns in her arms. Moving in he kisses her. Time slowed and speed up at the same time. Then.



They break apart to see Tony banging the counter top to get their attention. Then there's the smoke of their dinner burning. Tony goes to open the sliding door. Jet takes the food off the burning, cursing like a sailor. Shannon goes about turning on the ceiling fans. Then they look at one another and begin to laugh. Tony looks at them like they are crazy. The smoke is filtering out. She looks at him.

'You okay?'

'Yes,' then he looks to Jet. 'Pizza?' Jet smiles looking between the two.

'Yes, pizza.' Tony shakes his head going back to do whatever. They both look at one another and begin to laugh again.

KQ 16

In the other room Tony is smiling. Glad that everything is turning out well. Hoping she will stay forever. And Pizza is an added bonus. Picking up a coloring pad he takes it to sit in the living room to let them get cozy again. Let them spark. He draws them as he sees them, happy. Shiloh coming over to lay by him. Her rawhide in her mouth.

No two dogs in the yard. Just a dog and her boy. That is a picture perfect family. At least for him. Filling in his outline of all four of them together.

KQ 16

AN: I know there is more to tell but kinda stuck. Yes there is still the evil senior about. The giant crevice between them and Stillwater. But I wanted the true love to still shine. Just unsure where to go.

au: deage, ncis, family, l. gibbs, keep quiet, t. dinozzo

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