NCIS:: Keep Quiet CH 13 & 14

Jun 07, 2012 21:08

Chapter 13: KQ 13




KQ 12

Tony walks the woods. Loving all the hiding places here. Can always find a safe spot if need be. Shiloh running around his feet. Barking and yipping in glee of being outside with her boy.

She was learning unlike the others he didn't speak commands. Using his hands to communicate. Also making motions with his hands to words that were spoken. She understood some of the things. What she never understood was why her boy never spoke. Making enough noise to get his attention. But no words. Also extremely protective and careful. Licking his face when he held her tight. Always wondering what is wrong with him.

Sitting beside him they share a lunch. He had run from school after a particular batch of bullies came after him. Not everyone is nice to Tony. Tony expected it but never fought back. Running inside the house to her greeting him. Picking her up he runs.

Getting to this spot by the falls in the woods. Trying to get him to play but he just remains still. Yipping at him. He turns to her. Putting his hand out. Licking it happily. A small smile appears on his face. She hates how her boy is always sad. Wiggling into his lap. He hugs her close. Crying into her fur. The only noise he ever makes.

Time has passed since they had come out here to their secluded lunch. His hands running through her fur.

What is wrong?

KQ 12

This is not the first time he has run from the school grounds. He had come home another time earlier. Grabbing a hidden backpack stuffed with food and a simple blanket. She had learned this for he had packed her in it while he ran from the house to the woods once before.

Her boy saying nothing. Just holding her tight. Rocking in fear. No amount of licks or whimpers soothing the boy.

Only retuning home when the boy named Jet came and rescued them. Tony never saying a word.

Later that night, dreams so scary making her boy whimpered.

Shiloh had no clue what to do. So she went to Jet. Jet came in at her call. Entering Tony's room to sweep the boy in his arms.

Finally telling Jet he saw a black car that his mean father had owned. A long one with black tinted windows. He would sometimes pick him up from school in them at all times. Leaving it open for Jet's imagination and previous info to fill in the gaps.

He just hugged her boy closer. Making promises.

Jumping on the bed to join them. Or trying with the help of Jet.

Tony finally came out of his stupor to pet her. Standing up he picked her up and placed her in his backpack. Walking home slowly. His eyes constantly looking around for the monster who hides in the daytime. Wearing the faces of men wearing suits. Smiling a little as he feels Shiloh making herself comfy in his bag. Then it happened. The long dark car was back. Rolling slowly following the boy. Popping her head out to see. Her boy paying no attention. She yips at it. No reaction. Huffing she turns to tug on his ear. He turns and sees. His heartbeat begins to race. Not again. He runs.

Running to the safe house. To safe people whom he began to trust. Running inside to slam the door.

Jet hearing the slam comes form the kitchen to see Tony panting. Hyperventilating.

Trying to get home. Needing to focus.

'Tony? Tony.' He signs. The eyes focus on them.

'Long night car.' He signs his nightmare.

'Stay here.' Jet motions him to the couch. Opening the door he exits the house. Tony looks to the door. What has he done?


AN: Why does everyone want him to speak? Also more to come on what others have been asking. Hint: SR.

Chapter 14: KQ 14: TY all

BY: Wolfa Moon

Disclaimer: Own nothing. Still the same.

KQ 14

"I've seen your boy." The voice on the end of the phone informs him. He stops to think. Why should he care? He no longer had to deal with the oaf.

"Really, so?" don't show that this is a bargaining chip.

"So I bet you lost a lot of customers when you lost your bonus chip." He had but what could he do. He had wiped all evidence he had a son. Which took less than an hour to evaporate. Paper work was lost and burned. The child a memory of good times. Well his good times.

"They'll still come." Come to do business.

"Then I hope you don't mind that I pick it up then." Senior tries to remain calm.

"Why would I?" senior tensed. Gripping the phone a little tighter. This man had a lot of tails in a lot of unsavory places.

"Just making sure. No trouble when we do business." Malice hidden behind a snake smile. Hearing this and understanding what he has to do. "And you can always visit when you need to."

"For a price?" the boy was going to be a puddle under that man's administrations.

"Just your name on documents." Senior knew there was a catch.

"Why are you really calling?" Seething with anger. His outlet gone.

"Just to let you know that I now own you." The line goes dead. Then it all clicked. DNA test would still prove that Tony is his son. And the way they treated him if it ever came out would ruin him. Now his nemesis, adversary had his bonus chip. How could he have been so stupid to just let the bastard slip away? Clean him out of house. Now a bargaining chip with this man. So stupid. But if the man has him. Then he knows where to go. One simply place of a bullet. All is well. He should have done it years ago. Hell should have thrown him down the stairs as he did his late wife. Accidents happen. Smiling at the fear that placed on his son. Starting the wheel turning for what came after. Sex, unadulterated, pedophile pure lust. And all the tricks the boy learned. And learned quickly. He would go to Emmanuel. Ask for a trick for a trade. Bid his time then kill them both. If Emmanuel left anything left of the boy.

KQ 14

Emmanuel relaxed back into the leather of his limo. Staring at the innocent suburban house. The door opening. A young man charging down the steps. Having seen him around town n his passing through. Even a few times with Tony. Especially with Tony. So this is Tony's savior. Laughing at the excuse for a man. Then his door is flung open.

"What the hell?" Jet pulling the man out laying into the man. Emmanuel so caught off guard he didn't have time to call out for help. His face being repeatedly punched over and over again. Then the world going black.

Jethro laid into the man till he went lax. The driver had come around and tried to help the one he was injuring. He just clocked him one and continued with his punishment. This man had hurt Tony. This man…

"Jet, Jet! Stop." Relenting to his father words. The face before him bloody. His hands stinging with the force he had laid into human skull. Then looking around. Tony clinging to the inside of the door, shaking. Moving he goes to Tony. Tony cringing away from the blood, from him.

"Tony it's okay. I stopped him. I stopped your dad." Tony looks at the man than to Jet. Shacking his head. His shaking hands moving. But still definable.

'Not dad.' He signs. Moving to look at the man. Hearing the sirens in the distance. Jackson comes running up the steps.

"Dad that's not Tony's father."

"Then who is that son of a bitch?" hoping his son didn't let out his rage on the wrong person. A wealthy person. Jet trying to control himself. Looking at Tony, moving his hands.

'Who is he?'

'A client. Likes to leave marks. Loves blood.' Jet cringed as the shaking hands try to tell him who the man he beat bloody is. A bad man.

"Jet you need to get out of here." Jet looks to his dad. This is a small town and that man looked rich enough to buy it up. Buy everyone out. Get Jet sent away and still collect Tony. Never again. Jet moves them inside. Stopping before Tony.

'Grab your stuff.' Tony looks confused. Jet stands to talk to Jackson. Tony listens to them.

"Dad can you pack some food."

"I'll also get you some extra items you'll need."

"I don't know how long we'll be gone."

"Doesn't matter. You keep Tony safe." They look at Tony who is staring at them. The situation going into a notch out of their control in a single moment of rage, of payback. Over this child they love. Their silent wonder. So young and full of love. Wonder. Already exposed to the vile evil needing to learn there is good.

Tony watches them. Hearing their words. They are fighting for him. Going to take him away in order to be safe. Jet is coming with him. Jet is leaving his home for him. For him, such a foreign concept. His heart swells. They look at him. Jet signs for him to go. He goes.

Running up the stairs he pulls his pre-packed pack out grabbing another satchel he fills it with some money that they had given him for good grads and chores around the house. Grabbing a bowl and a box of dog treats he leaves in his room. Grabbing the blanket he rolls it up and places it under the flap of the first pack.

Shiloh watches her boy from under the bed as he goes around the room collecting things. Worry fills her small tummy. Her boy is leaving her. Leaving this warm place. Their home. Wagging her tail as he places her treats in another bag. One he had found in lost and found. A bigger one that he could fit her in as she grows. Stopping to see him look around. Then he drops to the ground. Banging the floor. Sign for her to come to him. Moving to him he motions to the bag. Learning to love the bag. She would be with her boy.

Tony smiles as she comes out licking his hand. Going into the bag willingly. Zipping it up he moves that to his back. Picking up his emergency stash one. Heading downstairs to chaos. Jackson running around collecting things. Jet walking out the backdoor with bags. Jackson stops what he's doing as he sees him all ready to go. Amazed and a scratching at the back of his head. Speaking of Tony's trust with them. Ready for anything. Smiling he kneels down in front of Tony. Squeezing his hands into fist before signing.

'Tony, we will keep safe. Jet taking you away. He stay with you. Stay away till safe home again. I love you.' Pulling Tony close to him. Giving him a big hug. Tony leaning into him. Knowing what they are doing is right.

Jet watches the two hug. What they are doing is right. Grabbing the emergency cash he pockets it. They could only use cash now. They need to get away. Protect their family. They had been voicing how they would keep in contact. As seen in movies conversations under 30 seconds. Then placing an ad in well multi-state newspapers. His father behind him in his plan. His plan to keep Tony safe. Discussing if Rose can get them some false id's. He nods. Making plans.

The sirens are out front now. Loading the car up quickly. They didn't care to see if the man is okay. To see if the police were going to come after them. If the driver was okay. They had no time. They have to keep Tony safe.

Piling into the car. A car that his father and him had built while his true beauty lay under a tarp close by. Too recognizable and rememberable. So loading the old Chevy with supplies. Jet taking Tony's pre-packed bag into the back seat. Tony placing his Shiloh bag in the front where he will be sitting. Bringing all that he needs.

Jet looks as Tony places his second bag in the front seat. Turning to his dad.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too. Take car of him."

"I will. Be home soon."

"I hope." Jackson does deep down. But they have to keep their family safe. Clapping Jet on the back of the head. Smiling at the love tap.

Jet secures Tony into the car. Tony looking out the window longingly at Jackson. Jackson smiles. Waving good bye. Tony signs love you to him. His heart warms. Confirming they are doing the right thing. Jet nods to his dad. Tapping Tony to get his attention. Telling him duck down until he says so. Tony grabs his Shiloh bag ducking down. The two leave town.

KQ 14

They have driven far out of town deep into the night. Crossing the state border into Ohio. Tony lay sleeping in the backseat of the car. Jet looking at him through the rearview mirror. Smiling at the peaceful boy slumbering. Shiloh resting upon her boy. A welcomed surprise. He is doing the right thing.



au: deage, ncis, family, abuse, l. gibbs, t. dinozzo

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